Accessibility Services
It's no secret that college is a lot different than high school, that's true for all students. But it's even more so for students with disabilities and we understand that. Our staff takes the time to learn what unique accommodations are needed for each student and then goes the extra mile to make sure those accommodations are put into place.
Tammy Cheek, our Assistant Director of Student Success Counseling, is an expert in her field. She's comfortable with the process and will gladly walk you through the accommodations request form, which has to be submitted separately from the RCC application.
We are dedicated to providing the right type of accommodations for our students who have documented disabilities because we are here to help create opportunities and change lives.

New or currently enrolled students with disabilities who would like to request accommodations, please contact Tammy Cheek, our Assistant Director of Student Success Counseling, at 336-633-0246 or email in sufficient time for the College to assist, if necessary. You may schedule an appointment with Tammy here.
Assistance with testing accommodations is provided to instructors who cannot provide the accommodation of the extended time and/or distraction-reduced environment in the classroom or because of scheduling conflicts. Students who are approved for testing accommodation through Accessibility Services are expected to discuss how this accommodation will be provided with their instructors.
If an instructor cannot provide the student with testing accommodations and would like to use the assessment center, the instructor should follow the steps below:
- Requests for separate testing/extended time in the Assessment Center must be submitted 2 business days in advance of the test date and time.
- The instructor must complete the Testing Room Request Form in Etrieve.
- All tests should be scheduled at the same time of the in-class test or as close to that time as possible. If a request to take a test is at a different time from the class, the student will need to discuss it with the instructor prior to scheduling the test.
- If the student wishes to change the test time or reschedule a missed test, he or she will need contact the instructor for approval. Test times will only be rescheduled by Assessment Center at the direction of the instructor.
- If the student arrives late for a test time, the test will be administered when a staff member becomes available, and the time missed will be forfeited.
- Only the test, pencils/pens, and scratch paper are allowed in the testing room unless specified on the Testing Room Request form. Items not normally allowed include cell phones, graphic calculators, notes, and food/drinks.
- The student is expected to use the restroom prior to starting the test and take needed breaks in the testing room. Breaks are only allowed if the instructor indicates it on the Testing Request form.
- Students receiving accommodations are bound by the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policy that applies to all Randolph Community College students. The instructor will be notified if a student is found breaking the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policy while testing.
Also, if you need to use the Assessment Center for curriculum assessment please click here. Tatiana Dawkins, Coordinator of Assessments/Chief HSE Examiner, can also help answer your questions about the Assessment Center or you can call the Assessment Center directly at 336-633-0321.