clock tower

RCC Foundation

What We Do

The Randolph Community College Foundation is committed to accessible education by providing financial support to students and Randolph Community College through donor cultivation and community partnerships.

Your gift enables the RCC Foundation to create opportunities, change lives, and meet needs! Here’s just part of how the support YOU provide has helped RCC!

Support Provided to RCC

Photo of two people shaking hands.

$138,072 in endowed scholarships, Presidential Scholarships and Changing Lives Scholarships which offers financial need to students who did not qualify for traditional financial aid

$35,059 in designated scholarships

$10,260 in Continuing Education scholarships awarded to students for occupational training


$72,408 in designated Program Support

$130,390 to support programs including Photographic Technology, Associate Degree Nursing, and Computer-Integrated Machining

$21,560 awarded in designated grants for programs and faculty and staff support

Services & Programs You Can Support

The Randolph Community College Foundation provides Changing Lives Scholarships to students who have financial need but do not qualify for traditional financial aid. There are many reasons students find themselves in this situation, but mostly it is because their family’s income is a little too high to qualify for a Pell grant yet not high enough to realistically afford all the costs associated with college. These students would be unable to obtain a college education without scholarship assistance.

You can help by making a contribution to the Changing Lives Scholarship fund at RCC. Your gift will help a student struggling to pay the basic costs of attending college, like tuition, fees, and books. When you make a contribution, you are creating opportunities and changing lives!

Follow the link below to make an online gift to the Changing Lives Scholarship fund at RCC. If you prefer, you may mail your check to RCC Foundation, 629 Industrial Park Ave., Asheboro, NC 27205. Please note “Changing Lives Scholarships” on your check.

Show your Randolph Community College pride or honor a special person, group or event with an engraved brick from the RCC Foundation. Each brick will beautifully adorn the piazza surrounding the JB Davis Bell & Clock Tower on RCC's Asheboro Campus, Bricks are 4" x 8" with up to three lines of text (18 characters per line), and are available for $100 each. Proceeds benefit the RCC Foundation's Unrestricted Fund.

Order & Pay for Your Brick!

You can create a lasting legacy for RCC students by establishing a planned gift to the RCC Foundation. Planned gifts may be in the form of a bequest via a will or personal trust, charitable remainder trust, life insurance naming the RCC Foundation as owner and beneficiary, or retirement plan beneficiary designation. Individuals who establish a planned gift to the RCC Foundation become members of our Legacy Society.

Your planned gift may be designated for a scholarship, support for a specific program, or may be applied to the Foundation's Unrestricted Fund. It is important that you coordinate your planned gift with RCC Foundation staff to ensure your wishes may be fulfilled. For more information or to discuss what you wish to accomplish with your gift, contact the Foundation at (336) 633-0295 or

Have you already established a planned gift to the RCC Foundation? Please complete the Statement of Intent form to provide us with information for our records and so we may recognize you as a member of the Legacy Society. Legacy Society members are listed below.

RCC Foundation Legacy Society

Sheila Barnes  Shelley Greene Ivey B. Luck
Robert P. Bunker Allie B. Hinshaw Lorie McCroskey
Anna Burton Willis Honeycutt Susan Milner
R. Alton Cox Bill & Ann Hoover Dahlia Gubalane Oldham
JB & Claire Davis Nan & Robert L. Hughes Sandra Reid
Howard & Mescal Ferguson Elbert Lassiter Dr. Robert Shackleford
Vickie Gallimore Dr. Larry K. Linker Joyce Wolford
Daffie Garris Frank & Ella B. Lowe Betty H. Woley

Thanks to generous donors, the RCC Foundation has numerous scholarship funds to assist Curriculum (college credit) students with their educational pursuits. Contributions of any amount are accepted to the Foundation's existing scholarship funds. Donors may also wish to establish a new scholarship. Endowed scholarships require a minimum contribution of $10,000 that may be pledged over a five-year period. Designated scholarships have no minimum requirement. Contact Rebecca Marshall with the RCC Foundation for more information, (336) 633-0295 or

The RCC Foundation offers scholarships to students who are enrolled in occupational training through RCC’s Corporate & Continuing Education division. The maximum award per student is $300 per year.

The purpose of the Robert Shackleford Emergency Fund is to assist students who are in danger of dropping out of school due to unexpected financial situations. Students must be in good standing and requests are carefully vetted to ensure prudent use of these funds. Students have been assisted with various emergency needs including not only tuition and books, but also utility bills, car repairs, and gas to get to and from school. Contributions of any amount are accepted for the Robert Shackleford Emergency Fund.

The RCC Foundation provides a variety of program support funds to bridge the gap between the needs of the College and the State operating budget. Endowed funds exist with the RCC Foundation to benefit Associate Degree Nursing, Photography Technology, Interior Design, and Machining Technology. Earnings from these endowed funds may be used in these programs as needed. The principal balance remains in the fund.

Contributions of any amount are accepted to the Foundation's existing program support funds. Donors may also wish to establish a new fund. Endowed funds require a minimum contribution of $10,000 that may be pledged over a five-year period. Designated funds have no minimum requirement. Contact Rebecca Marshall with the RCC Foundation for more information, (336) 633-0295 or

Contact Information

Rebecca J. Marshall, Secretary

Foundation Operations Manager


Linda Brown

Executive Director of Strategy and Planning

629 Industrial Park Avenue

Asheboro, NC 27205