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Fill out your application.
Curriculum Application for Admission | Workforce Development and Continuing Education |
Career and College Promise Application (CU) | Career and College Promise Application (CE) |
- As part of the CFNC application, everyone is required to complete documentation for the North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS). Residency determination establishes if students should have in-state or out-of-state tuition.
- This MUST be completed to submit your RCC CFNC application.
- Write down your Residency Determination Number!
- Should you need to revisit your residency determination for any reason, you can do so here.
What's Next for Curriculum Students?
- Submit official copies of your transcripts to RCC. We will need transcripts from your high school and any other colleges/universities you have attended.
- Complete a Career Services survey sent to the email address you provided on your college application.
- Make a registration appointment with a Student Success Counselor according to your major.
What's Next for Career and College Promise Students?
Randolph Community College's Career & College Promise (CCP) Program allows high school sophomores, juniors and seniors to take tuition free college courses. This program allows eligible students to enroll in college classes at North Carolina community colleges. If they complete these college courses, they can earn both high school and college credit!
For more information about Steps of Enrollment please visit RCC's Career and College Promise website or call 336-318-4913.