Section XII - Student Services


Student Matters - Student Grievances (Due Process)

To provide a system whereby a student may appeal decisions which are felt to be unjustified or in violation of their rights


The purpose of the student grievance policy is to resolve student complaints through an orderly grievance procedure. Every student has the right to present their grievances free from coercion, restraint, discrimination and reprisal. This policy provides for prompt and orderly consideration and determination of student grievances by college administrators.

A. Standard Grievance – Any matter of student concern or dissatisfaction within the college's control except:

1. Academic Grievance (see Academic Grievance Procedure below);

2. Student Code of Conduct (see policy XII D 1 Student Code of Conduct);

3. Academic Integrity (see policy VIII A 9 Academic Integrity)

4. Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment, including sexual-based offenses (see policy VI B 9 Discrimination and Harassment).

B. Academic Grievance – Academic matters where students have a grievance. Areas for appeal include, but are not limited to, classroom procedures, charges of unfair treatment by an instructor, charges of unfair grades given by an instructor, course requirements that differ substantially from those set forth in the syllabus, and the right to participate in college-sponsored academic activities.

When the situation warrants it, the President or the Vice President, serving in these grievance procedures, may make an interim decision concerning individuals involved in the grievance process until the due process is completed.

If the grievance concerns an issue unrelated to a particular instructor/staff member (e.g., an issue with College policy), the student can skip the informal process and proceed to the Formal Grievance (I.A.2) of the Standard Grievance Procedure.

A. Standard Grievance Procedure - The following procedure is to be used to resolve a matter of student concern or dissatisfaction within the College's control and not the exceptions listed in section (I.A) above. Once this procedure of due process has begun, students who want to continue to pursue due process must follow the procedure and may not circumvent steps in the procedure and go prematurely to a higher authority.

1. Informal Grievance (Step One) - The student must first contact the person with whom they have the grievance to resolve the complaint informally. If the student is dissatisfied with the resolution reached at the informal conference, they may proceed to the Formal Grievance (I.A.2) within five (5) business days after the informal conference. Not proceeding to the Formal Grievance (I.A.2) within the time period will result in the grievance not being heard and the matter being closed.

2. Formal Grievance (Step Two) - If the complaint is not resolved in the informal conference with the offending person, the student may then file a formal grievance in writing to the Vice President for Student Services within five (5) business days, who will conduct an investigation to ascertain the facts needed to make a determination. Formal tracking is initiated. The Vice President shall provide a written decision within ten (10) business days after receipt of the grievance.

If the student is dissatisfied with the resolution reached by the Vice President for Student Services, they may proceed to the Appeal Procedure (I.A.3) within five (5) business days after receipt of the Vice President's written decision. Not proceeding to the Appeal Procedure (I.A.3) within the time period will result in the grievance not being heard and the matter being closed.

Contact Information for Standard Grievances
Vice President of Student Success
629 Industrial Park Avenue
Asheboro, NC 27205
Phone: 336-633-0049

3. Appeal Procedure (Step Three) - If the grievance is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction by the Vice President for Student Services, the student may appeal to the President of the college. The student must present their grievance in a signed and dated document, including a summary of the specific facts and any other documentation pertinent to the matter, to the Office of the President within five (5) business days of receiving the decision of the Vice President. The President will conduct an “on the record” review and, if necessary, conduct any further investigation that is necessary to ascertain the facts needed to make a determination. The President may establish a committee to further investigate the matter and make a recommendation to the President. At the conclusion of the investigation and not later than fifteen (15) business days after receipt of the student’s appeal (unless a committee is needed then within thirty (30) business days), the President shall provide a written decision to the student.

The President’s decision is final.


B. Academic Grievance Procedure - An Academic Grievance must be initiated within eight (8) weeks of the completion of the curriculum course in question and within three (3) months of the completion of the continuing education or the adult basic education course in question. If the grievance is regarding an academic matter, the student should adhere to the following steps:

1. Informal Grievance (Step One) - The student must go first to the instructor with whom they have the grievance. A conference with the instructor will be held to resolve the grievance informally. If the student is dissatisfied with the resolution reached at the informal conference, they may proceed to the Formal Grievance (I.B.2) within five (5) business days after the informal conference. Not proceeding to the Formal Grievance (I.B.2) within the time period will result in the grievance not being heard and the matter being closed.

2. Formal Grievance (Step Two) – If the informal conference with the instructor does not resolve the grievance, the student may appeal through the supervisory chain. Each appeal must be in writing within five (5) business days from the date the student is notified of the decision. Each position of the supervisory chain shall provide their written decision within five (5) business days after receipt of the grievance.

Supervisory Chain:

a. For curriculum courses, the supervisory chain is the Department Head, Associate Dean, Dean of Curriculum Programs, and Vice President for Instructional Services. Formal Tracking is initiated.

b. For continuing education and adult basic education courses, the supervisory chain is Coordinator (when applicable), Director, Dean of Workforce Development and Continuing Education, and Vice President for Workforce Development and Continuing Education. Formal Tracking is initiated.

The Vice President shall provide their written decision within ten (10) business days after receipt of the grievance.

If the student is dissatisfied with the resolution reached by the Vice President, they may proceed to the Appeal Procedure (I.B.3) within five (5) business days after receipt of the Vice President's written decision. Not proceeding to the Appeal Procedure (I.B.3) within the time period will result in the grievance not being heard and the matter being closed.

Contact Information for Academic Grievances

Vice President of Learning and Workforce Development
629 Industrial Park Avenue
Asheboro, NC 27205
Phone: 336-633-0218

3. Appeal Procedure (Step Three) - If the grievance is not resolved to the student's satisfaction by the Vice President, the student may appeal to the President of the college. The student must present their grievance in a signed and dated document, including a summary of the specific facts and any other documentation pertinent to the matter, to the Office of the President within five (5) business days of receiving the decision of the Vice President. The President will conduct an "on the record" review and, if necessary, conduct any further investigation that is necessary to ascertain the facts needed to make a determination. The President may establish a committee to further investigate the matter and make a recommendation to the President. At the conclusion of the investigation and not later than fifteen (15) business days after receipt of the student's appeal (unless a committee is needed then within thirty (30) business days), the President shall provide a written decision to the student.

The President's decision is final.


II. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES – If complaints are unable to be resolved through the College's Procedures, the following resources are available:

A. North Carolina Community College System:
Students can review the Student Complaint Policy(PDF) and submit their complaint using the online complaint form at

North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
223 S. West Street
Suite 1800
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: (919) 962-4550

B. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC):
Students can submit complaints to the RCC's accrediting agency by reviewing the procedures regarding SACSCOC's Complaint Process and Form.

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
1866 Southern Lane
Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097
Phone: (404) 679-4500

C. State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement – North Carolina (SARA-NC):
The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) serves as the SARA portal entity for North Carolina with the responsibilities defined by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA). Distance education students who reside outside of the state may follow the SARA-NC Student Complaint Process and complete the SARA-NC Student Complaint Form.

c/o SARA North Carolina
P.O. Box 41349
Raleigh, NC 27629
Phone: (855) SARA1NC or (855) 727-2162, toll free
Fax: (919) 248-6667

Adopted: 04/15/1999

Revised: 07/27/2000, 07/17/2008, 09/15/2011, 11/2014, 11/2018, 03/2023, 11/2023