Section VIII - Faculty & Instruction


Faculty - Teaching Overload

To identify the process for granting teaching overload

Teaching overload occurs when a full-time faculty member is scheduled to teach class hours beyond the standard teaching load of their position. A faculty member will only be assigned a teaching overload in extenuating circumstances and when all full-time faculty members in the department are assigned full loads.

Prior to the approval of the teaching overload, the associate dean and/or department head will have exhausted all means of hiring appropriately credentialed adjunct faculty and will have demonstrated class cancellation to be detrimental to student goal attainment. Teaching overload must be recommended by the appropriate dean and approved in advance by the Associate Vice President and Vice President of Learning and Workforce Development.

The faculty member will be paid at the adjunct faculty course rate for any overload. Payment will be made during the term in which the teaching overload occurs.

Adopted: 01/20/2010

Revised: 07/14/2011, 11/15/2024