Section VI - Employment Matters

VI B 4

Employee Conduct - Disciplinary Policy

To state the College's disciplinary policy

There are three types of disciplinary procedures for performance issues:

  1. Unsatisfactory Performance Review

    Following an annual evaluation or a 6 month review that determines “employment is contingent upon improvement,” the employee will automatically be placed on a probationary employment status for a maximum of 90 days. The supervisor will set deadlines for improvement for the employee using the performance improvement plan and will monitor the progress in writing and meet with employee on a regular and reasonably frequent basis. At the end of the probationary period, the supervisor will recommend either that probationary status end, be extended, or that employment be terminated. The employment status is “at will” and during the probationary period the employer can terminate employment at any time. Also refer to Policy VI A5.

  2. For Performance Issues During a Contract Period

    During a contract period depending on the severity of the performance issue a supervisor has the options:
    1. To give a documented verbal warning at any time and provide professional development activities to improve performance. This does not constitute probation.
    2. To give a written warning that does not constitute probation. IF improvement isn’t sufficient, the next step is to place the employee on probation.
    3. To place the employee on probation along with a performance improvement plan. During the probationary period the employment status is “at will” and the employer can terminate the employment at any time.

  3. Dismissal

    a. Permissible reasons for immediate dismissal are located in Policy VI B 5.
    b. Non-tendering of a new contract with or without cause-located in Policy VI A8.


Adopted: 07/17/2008