Section VI - Employment Matters

VI B 22

Employee Conduct - Attendance

To set forth the expectations of the College regarding an employee's attendance and work-related absences

The College expects all employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner during their employment. This includes practicing good attendance habits. All employees should regard coming to work on time, working according to the schedule approved by their supervisor, and leaving at the scheduled time as an essential and required function of their job. Regular attendance is essential to the effective operations of the College. If an employee must be absent or tardy for work, he/she is responsible for providing proper notice to their supervisor.

Responsibilities of all College Personnel

All College personnel have the following obligations and responsibilities concerning absence and tardiness, regardless of regular or temporary status, position or work assignment, eligibility or non-eligibility for absence pay, or whether it is a regularly scheduled workday or non-scheduled workday.

  1. Advance Notice

    When the need for being absent from work is known in advance, the employee must notify their immediate supervisor as far in advance as possible and submit the appropriate leave form prior to the absence. For faculty, efforts should be made to arrange for substitute instructors so that scheduled classes will be held.

  2. Notice of Unexpected Absences

    When an employee has not given advance notice but finds that it is impossible to report for work, the employee must notify their immediate supervisor before starting time if possible. When it is not physically possible for the employee to make the notification themselves, someone else should contact the supervisor on their behalf. The appropriate leave form should be submitted immediately upon the return to work.

  3. Attendance

    Unless an absence has been authorized in advance, or an absence/tardiness is either unavoidable or justifiable, every employee is expected to work according to his/her approved schedule.

  4. Reporting

    A leave request form must be submitted to the employee's supervisor for all classifications of leave.  If an employee knows in advance about an absence from work, a leave request form should be submitted prior to the absence.  If the absence is due to an unexpected illness or justifiable reason, the leave request form must be filled out and submitted to the supervisor immediately upon return to work.

    If an employee is going to be late for their scheduled work time, they should contact their supervisor with an anticipated arrival time.  If the anticipated arrival time changes or is delayed, the employee should contact the supervisor again with an update.

Rights of the College

The College reserves the following rights:

  1. To authorize, or to refuse to authorize, the advance request of an employee for permission to be absent.
  2. To investigate absences.
  3. To determine whether or not an absence is unavoidable or justifiable and if the Attendance Policy was followed.  The supervisor may indicate on the employee's leave form that the absence was an "unapproved absence" if the policy is not followed.  This will not affect the use of earned leave/pay but may be referred to for evaluation purposes if there is an established pattern of not following policy.


Adopted: 11/21/2013