Section IV - College Relations & Development


External Grants and Contracts

To state the College's policy on external grants and contracts

Before a staff or faculty member develops a grant proposal or application, he or she must discuss the proposal with the appropriate administrator and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement or his/her designee to ensure that the provisions of this policy are met. All external grants and contracts must conform to the stated mission of Randolph Community College, balance activities and instruction, and include institutional controls. The College will provide an environment conducive to the success of each grant project, and staff and faculty will be free to formulate and publish their findings.

Prior to developing a grant proposal, a Grant Request Outline must be completed and signed by the project initiator, supervisor, and senior leadership. When research involves human subjects at RCC, the Grant Request Outline must also be approved by the Planning & Assessment Analyst who chairs the Institutional Review Board.

Prior to submitting a proposal, a Checklist for External Grant/Contract Evaluation form must be completed including all signatures. The Grant Request Outline and the Checklist are to be filed with the local copy of the proposal.

All personnel involved in the review of external grant proposals must take care to ensure that the grant does not threaten financial support for general institutional activities or create an imbalance between the grant activities (including research) and instructional priorities. The President is responsible for making the final decision to accept or refuse terms and/or conditions of externally funded grants.

Grants Administration

The proper administration of an externally funded grant is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator or Project Director. Contracts with outside funding agencies may require review by the President and the College’s attorney for proper legal form and proper protection of the interests of the College prior to application.

Acceptance of externally funded grants or other sponsored programs is accompanied by the College's strict commitment to accountability. The College recognizes that funds are awarded to the College and not to individuals.

The Business Office exercises fiscal control of all externally-funded grants and other sponsored programs in conjunction with the Project Director. Separate accounts are established for each sponsored program. Financial statements are prepared monthly and made available to the Vice President for Administrative Services, the individual(s) responsible for carrying out the program and the appropriate administrator(s). Purchasing and contracting subordinate to grants will be conducted to meet the sponsoring agency's guidelines within the requirements of  North Carolina's purchasing and contract policies.


Adopted: 04/15/1999

Revised: 07/27/2000, 07/17/2008, 09/16/2010