Veterans Education Benefits
Veterans, thank you for your service. We owe you a debt of gratitude for your selflessness. We want to help your civilian transition process run as smoothly as possible, at least when it comes to your education. Our team is here for you, to ensure you get the best benefits for your unique situation.
Randolph Community College education programs are approved by the North Carolina State Approving Agency for the enrollment of persons eligible for education assistance benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Those entitled to VA benefits are eligible veterans, participants in the Montgomery G.I. Bill® contributory program, active duty military in voluntary education programs, drilling National Guard, drilling Reservists, and spouses and children of disabled or deceased veterans. The Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs provides information and assistance to students applying for VA education benefits.
Eligible Programs for VA Benefits
- Accounting and Finance [A25800]
- Advertising and Graphic Design [A30100]
- Agribusiness Technology [A15100G]
- Agribusiness Technology - NCSU Track [A15100N]
- Associate Degree Nursing [A45110]
- Associate in Arts [A10100]
- Associate in Arts - Teacher Prep [A1010T]
- Associate in General Education [A10300]
- Associate in General Education - Medical Assisting [A10300MA]
- Associate in General Education - Nursing [A10300N]
- Associate in General Education - Radiography [ A10300R]
- Associate in Science [A10400]
- Associate in Science - Teacher Prep [A1040T]
- Automation Engineering Technology [A40120]
- Automotive Systems Technology [A60160]
- Business Administration [A25120B]
- Business Administration - Human Resource Management [A25120HR]
- Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology [A60130]
- Computer-Integrated Machining [A50210]
- Cosmetology [A55140]
- Criminal Justice Technology [A55180]
- Early Childhood Education [A55220G]
- Early Childhood Education - Transfer Non Licensure [A55220NL]
- Early Childhood Education - Transfer w/ Licensure [A55220TL]
- Electrical Systems Technology [A35130]
- Fire Protection Technology [A55240]
- Healthcare Management Technology [A25200]
- Human Services Technology [A45380]
- Human Services Technology/Addiction and Recovery Services [A4538E]
- Information Technology - Network and Cyber Security Specialist [A25590N]
- Information Technology – IT Support Specialist [A25590S]
- Interior Design [A30220]
- Manufacturing Technology - Machining [A50320CM]
- Manufacturing Technology - Mechatronics [A50320MT]
- Medical Assisting [A45400]
- Medical Office Administration [A25310]
- Photographic Technology - Commercial Photography [A30280CP]
- Photographic Technology - Photojournalism [A30280PJ]
- Photographic Technology - Portrait Studio Management [A30280PS]
- Radiography [A45700]
- Accounting and Finance [D25800]
- Automotive Light-Duty Diesel Technology [D60430]
- Automotive Systems Technology [D60160]
- Business Administration [D25120]
- Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology [D60130]
- Computer-Integrated Machining [D50210]
- Cosmetology [D55140]
- Early Childhood Education [D55220]
- Electrical Systems Technology [D35130]
- Medical Office Administration [D25310]
- Welding Technology [D50420]
- Accounting and Finance [C25800]
- Advanced Machining [C50210AM]
- Advertising and Graphic Design [C30100]
- Agribusiness Technology [C15100]
- Agribusiness Technology - Zoological Horticulture [C15100H]
- Automotive Light-Duty Diesel Technology [C60430]
- Automotive Systems Technology [C60160]
- Automotive Systems Technology - Undercar [C60160U]
- Business Administration [C25120]
- Business Administration - Marketing [C25120M]
- Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology [C60130]
- Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology [C45200]
- Computer-Integrated Machining - CNC Milling [C50210CM]
- Computer-Integrated Machining - Programming Turning and Milling [C50210TM]
- Computer-Integrated Machining - CNC Turning [C50210LA]
- Cosmetology [C55140]
- Criminal Justice Technology [C55180]
- Early Childhood Admininstration [C55220A]
- Early Childhood Education [C55220]
- Early Childhood Infant/Toddler Care [C55290]
- Electrical Systems Technology - Wiring [C35130B]
- Healthcare Management Technology [C25200]
- Human Services Technology - Substance Abuse [C45380]
- Information Technology - Network and Cyber Security Specialist [C25590N]
- Information Technology - Support Specialist [C25590S]
- Information Technology - Virtualization [C25590V]
- Interior Design - Architectural Technology and Design [C30220]
- Interior Design - Digital Imaging and Design [C30220D]
- Manicuring/Nail Technology [C55400]
- Manufacturing Technology [C50320]
- Medical Office Administration [C25310]
- Welding Technology - MIG [C50420M]
- Welding Technology - TIG [C50420T]
- Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET)
- Emergency Medical Technician - Initial
Getting Started: Using Your VA Benefits
Apply for VA education benefits
- Go to
- Choose Apply for education benefits. Complete the application and submit. The VA will contact you by mail once they have processed your information.
- When you receive your Certificate of Eligibility, please bring a copy to our office for your file. We will also need member copy 4 of your DD214.
- If you have received veteran's benefits at another college, you will need to complete form 22-1995 (Change of Program or Place of Training) or, if you are a dependent or spouse using Chapter 35 benefits, use form 22-5495. Once you have completed these forms please submit to the VA and bring a copy to our office. We cannot process your VA benefits without a copy of this form
Complete an Application for Admission
- Go to Apply Now to complete application.
- Have all of your transcripts (high school and college) sent to RCC
- Complete Placement testing if needed
Apply for Financial Aid
- The website to apply is
- The school code is 005447
After registering
- Bring a copy of your schedule to the Financial Aid Office. You will need to do this EVERY semester to ensure certification.
- The SCO will ensure the student’s classes are certified. Students receiving tuition from the VA (Ch. 31 and Ch. 33) will have a hold placed on their account to keep them in their courses while the college awaits payment from the VA. The student will be responsible for any portion not covered by the VA, if the student is receiving less than 100% in VA benefits.
- Note: Students receiving VA education benefits are to be charged as in-state residents. If you receive a bill for an out-of-state rate, please contact our office for the military waiver.
- Note: VA will not pay for classes that are not required for your major, audited classes or classes taken previously for which you received a passing grade.
- Once you are registered for classes, if you make any changes to the schedule, please make sure you contact our office. The VA will be notified of your last date of attendance rather than the day you sign your drop form. If you are receiving Post 9/11 benefits and you drop a class after classes start, you will be responsible for repaying the VA for that class.
All chapters except Chapter 35 and Post/911 have to self-certify each month. This can be done online at under "Verify School Attendance" or by calling 1-877-823-2378 on the last day of each month.
Title 38 Compliance Information
Per Title 38 USC 3679 (e), while payment to the institution is pending from VA, Randolph Community College will not: prevent the student’s enrollment, assess a late penalty fee to the student, require the student to secure alternative or additional funding, deny the student access to any campus resources pending the students has provide the Office of Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs with their Certificate of Eligibility and all above named documents required for VA certification (i.e., class schedule, prior college transcripts, etc.).
To be eligible for educational benefits, the student must be enrolled in an approved curriculum, taking only those courses required for graduation in the chosen curriculum. Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. The VA will not pay for enrollment in the following:
- course audits
- repeated courses previously passed
- credit by examination
- courses not required in chosen curriculum
- continuing education classes
- dropped or withdrawn classes
Click here to determine which chapter you may be eligible for and compare your options.
G.I. Bill® and Tuition Assistance Programs
See detailed information about the particular G.I. Bill® and Tuition Assistance Programs below.
The following are general descriptions of the veteran education benefits available at Randolph Community College. Please see the VA Certifying Official regarding any specific questions regarding these programs.
Veterans Education Benefits
The Post-9/11 GI Bill® provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill®.
As of August 1, 2009, the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® is effective for training. Approved training under the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® includes graduate and undergraduate degrees, and vocational/technical training. All training programs must be offered by an institution of higher learning (IHL) and approved for G.I. Bill® benefits. Additionally, tutorial assistance, and licensing and certification test reimbursement are approved under the Post- 9/11 G.I. Bill®.
The Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® will pay your tuition based upon the highest in-state tuition charged by a public educational institution in the state where the school is located. The amount of support that an individual may qualify for depends on where they live and what type of degree they are pursuing. For a summary, compare the benefits.
This Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® will pay eligible individuals:
- Tuition & fees directly to the school not to exceed the maximum in-state tuition & fees at a public Institution of Higher Learning.
- A monthly housing allowance based on the Basic Allowance for Housing for an E-5 with dependents at the location of the school.
- An annual book stipend of up to $1,000 paid proportionately based on enrollment
- A one-time rural benefit payment for eligible individuals.
This benefit is payable only for training at an Institution of Higher Learning (IHL). Individuals only enrolled in distance learning courses will be eligible for a monthly housing allowance equal to 50% of the national average of all Basic Allowances for Housing. If you are on active duty you will not receive the housing allowance or books & supplies stipend. This benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits. If your release from active duty was before January 1, 2013, there is a 15-year time limitation for use of benefits. For individuals whose last discharge date is on or after January 1, 2013, the time limitation has been removed.
The Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® also offers some service members the opportunity to transfer their G.I. Bill® to dependents.
To apply for these benefits, click here.
The Montgomery G.I. Bill® - Active Duty (MGIB-AD) program provides up to 36 months of education benefits. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training and correspondence courses. Remedial, deficiency, and refresher courses may be approved under certain circumstances. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following your release from active duty. This program is also commonly known as Chapter 30.
See Payment Rates for current rates of payment.
To apply for these benefits, click here.
The Montgomery G.I. Bill® - Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) program may be available to you if you are a member of the Selected Reserve. The Selected Reserve includes the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve and Coast Guard Reserve, and the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. You may use this education assistance program for degree programs, certificate or correspondence courses, cooperative training, independent study programs, apprenticeship/on-the-job training, and vocational flight training programs. Remedial, refresher and deficiency training are available under certain circumstances.
Eligibility for this program is determined by the Selected Reserve components. VA makes the payments for this program. You may be entitled to receive up to 36 months of education benefits and your eligibility for the program normally ends on the day you leave the Selected Reserve.
One exception to this rule exists if you are mobilized (or recalled to active duty from your reserve status), in this case your eligibility may be extended for the amount of time you are mobilized PLUS four months. For example, if you are mobilized for 12 months your eligibility period is extended for 16 months (12 months active duty PLUS 4 months.) So even if you leave the reserves after mobilization, you may have additional eligibility to the MGIB-SR.
See Payment Rates for current rates of payment.
To apply for these benefits, click here.
The Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA) provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of certain veterans. The program offers up to 45 months of education benefits. The Forever G.I. Bill® has reduced the number of months to receive benefits to 36 months for those who become eligible for them 08/01/2018 or later.These benefits may be used for degree and certificate programs, apprenticeship, and on-the-job training. If you are a spouse, you may take a correspondence course. Remedial, deficiency, and refresher courses may be approved under certain circumstances.
To apply for these benefits, click here.
For payment rates, click here.
Army - ArmyIgnitEd is the portal for all eligible Active Duty, National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers to request Tuition Assistance (TA) online, anytime, anywhere for classroom and distance learning.
Air Force - The Air Force currently pays 100 percent of tuition, up to $250 per semester hour and $166 quarter hour ($4,500 +annually), in off-duty courses with accredited schools who have signed the Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding in pursuit of approved degree programs. More information can be found on the Air Force’s Personnel Center page. The application can be found here.
Marines - Marine Tuition Assistance (TA) is available for all active duty and active reserve Marines. Each member receives $4500 per fiscal year (1 Oct-30 Sep). There is a cap of $250 per semester hour, $166.67 per quarter hour, and $16.67 per clock hour. More information on applying for this benefit can be found on the Tuition Assistance page of the Marines website.
The Returning Support for Veterans Program (RSVP) is a one-stop service where veterans and their families can receive all the information they need. Whether the concern is about military benefits, veteran's education, health services, job or other issues, RSVP is for you.
You can access RSVP information and referral by calling the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services' CARE-LINE at 1-800-662-7030, 24 hours a day, or by emailing
You can also access or for benefit assistance and finding the county or district service office nearest you.