Meet Our Team

Need money for college? This is the team who can help! Our experts are trained to help you get the most beneficial financial resources that meet your specific needs. We understand that each student's situation is very different, which is why each is addressed with a unique approach. This team is also trained to better understand, help, and care for our students who are veterans. We all appreciate your service to our country. Our job is to make this transition as seamless as possible for you.


  • Contact Sherry Underwood
  • Financial Assistance Counselor
  • Serving students last name: A-G



  • Contact Jennifer Recendez
  • Financial Assistance Counselor
  • Serving students last name: H-N


  • Contact Morgan Whisenant
  • Financial Assistance Counselor
  • Serving students last name: O-Z 



  • Contact Terra Poston
  • Financial Assistance Associate
  • Serving students: Workforce Development



Joey Trogdon photo

  •  Contact Joey Trogdon
  • Director of Financial Assistance & Engagement

Office Phone Number

Mailing Address
Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs
Randolph Community College
629 Industrial Park Avenue
Asheboro, NC 27205

Office Location
Student Services Center

Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon. - Thurs.
8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Fri.

Summer Hours (May 13 - August 9, 2024)
7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Mon. - Thurs.
Closed on Fridays