Medical Assisting
Medical Assistants are multi-skilled health care professionals with the ability to perform essential administrative, clinical, and laboratory procedures. In our Medical Assisting program, you will learn appointment scheduling, coding and processing of insurance accounts, billing, collections, computer operations; assist with examinations/treatments, perform routine laboratory procedures, electrocardiography, supervised medication administration; and understand ethical/legal issues associated with patient care.
When you graduate from this accredited program, you will be eligible to sit for the American Association of Medical Assistants' Certification Examination. Employment opportunities include physicians' offices, health maintenance organizations, health departments, and hospitals.
Courses for this A.A.S. degree program are offered day only at the new Allied Health Center on the Asheboro Campus.
First Year: Fall Semester (18 Semester Hours Credit)
- ACA 111 - College Student Success
- CIS 110 - Intro to Computers
- ENG 111 - Writing & Inquiry
- MAT 110 - Math Measurement & Literacy
- MED 110 - Orientation to Medical Assisting
- MED 118 - Medical Law and Ethics
- MED 121 - Medical Terminology I
- MED 130 - Administration Office Procedures I
First Year: Spring Semester (18 Semester Hours Credit)
- BIO 163 - Basic Anatomy & Physiology
- ENG 114 - Prof. Research & Reporting
- MED 122 - Medical Terminology II
- MED 131 - Administration Office Procedures II
- MED 183 - Electronic Medical Records
First Year: Summer Session (9 Semester Hours Credit)
Second Year: Fall Semester (16 Semester Hours Credit)
- MED 150 - Laboratory Procedures I
- MED 240 - Exam Room Procedures II
- MED 270 - Symptomatology
- MED 272 - Drug Therapy
Second Year: Spring Semester (14 Semester Hours Credit)
- MED 260 - MED Clinical Practicum
- MED 262 - Clinical Perspectives
- MED 264 - Medical Assisting Overview
- PSY 150 - General Psychology
- HUM - Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
Total Semester Hours Credit: 75
Students must earn a minimum grade of “C” in all the courses with the prefixes of MED, and a "B" or better for BIO, CIS and MAT. Any student not meeting a minimum grade of “C” in all courses with the prefix of MED, and a "B" or better for BIO, CIS and MAT will be dismissed from the Medical Assisting program.
The Medical Assisting program understands and accepts the concept of the open-door policy for general admission to Randolph Community College. Admission to the College does not, however, guarantee admission to the Medical Assisting program.
Admission to the Medical Assisting program is competitive. For questions regarding the admission process for the Medical Assisting program, please contact the Student Services Counselor and Career Services Coordinator at 336-633-0222.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the student to maintain an active official RCC email. Faculty and Staff will only notify students through an official RCC email.
In addition to the Randolph Community College requirements for admission, the following are minimum requirements for admission to the Medical Assisting Program.
Complete all of the following by June 1.
- Complete general admission requirements of Randolph Community College.
- If new student, complete an RCC admissions application. Current students, skip to number 2.
- Provide official copies of high school transcript and/or adult high school equivalency and all college transcripts.
- Students are encouraged to apply for financial aid and/or scholarships through FASFA or contact RCC's Office of Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs for assistance.
- Student must be eligible to enter the program’s required English and math courses without a co-requisite.
- Biology Competency with a grade of “C” or higher. A high school or college-level biology course taken within the last 10 years with a grade of “C” or higher will meet this requirement.
- A 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on the most recent transcript, college or high school. A GPA of 2.5 must be maintained throughout the admissions process.
- Attend mandatory information session (Dates will be listed on the Medical Assisting homepage on the RCC website).
- Submit documentation required for the ranking sheet to the Student Services Counselor and Career Services Coordinator.
NOTE: Affiliating clinical agencies may require credentialing clearance as a prerequisite for clinical learning experiences throughout the curriculum. This credentialing clearance may include, but is not limited to, a criminal background check, urine drug screen, medical examination, vaccinations, and clinical site orientation. Positive results or failure to complete any agency requirement may result in the clinical agency denying student access to clinical practice in the facility. Any student who is denied access or fails to comply with clinical agency credentialing procedures and policies will not be allowed to progress in the program.
Students will be notified by MyRCC email of acceptance into the Medical Assisting program during the week of June 15 for fall enrollment. Students must respond by email within seven calendar days to accept placement in the program. If a student declines or does not respond by the deadline, another student will be offered placement.
Students will be able to see the dates and times of the information sessions via the RCC website. The purpose of the information session is to answer questions about the program and for representatives from the Medical Assisting program to share important information. Students who do not attend will not be admitted into the program.
Applications received after June 1 will be considered on a space-available basis. Applicants who are not admitted may reapply before the June 1 deadline of the next year.
The numerical ranking system was implemented as an objective means for evaluating Medical Assisting applicants. Applicants will be ranked based upon points earned. Students with the highest number of points will be selected for admission into the Medical Assisting program.
GPA: A minimum of 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA).
GENERAL COURSES: Points for having completed the following courses with a grade of “A” or “B” in the past five years. BIO 163 or BIO 168 & BIO 169, and MAT 110. A = 5 points; B = 3 points.
HEALTHCARE EXPERIENCE: Points awarded for having healthcare-related experience working directly in patient care. Must be:
- At least part-time for a period of six months or more.
- Experience that has occurred within the past five years.
- Submit current/former department supervisor verification on company letterhead to the Student Services Counselor and Career Services Coordinator by June 1.
It is required that there be evidence that the physical and emotional health of the student be such that he/she can be expected to provide safe care to the public. Evaluation of health will continue throughout the program. An applicant or student who presents problems in physical or emotional health which have not responded to appropriate treatment within a reasonable time may be denied admission or asked to withdraw. The student is denied admission or asked to withdraw to protect his/her own health and that of clients he/she is assigned.
Readmission to the Medical Assisting program is based upon successful completion of the requirements for readmission and space availability. A student may be readmitted to the Medical Assisting program one time only, and this admission must occur within one academic year of separation. Students dismissed for unsatisfactory clinical performance are NOT eligible for readmission. Students dismissed for academic failure are eligible for readmission, pending successful completion of readmission process and final approval of the Medical Assisting department head.
The Medical Assisting department head may recommend a readmitted student to re-take a previously successful course in order to better ensure success in the program. Students will be readmitted on a probationary status.
A student applying for readmission into the Medical Assisting program must:
- Submit a letter of intent to return, within one year from the date of exiting a Medical Assisting course, to the Medical Assisting department head.
- Participate in a formal interview with the Medical Assisting department head and affiliated faculty.
- Pass a written competency test with a minimum score of 80% within two attempts and demonstrate safety in performing selected laboratory skills with a ‘satisfactory’ in all the skills.
Students wishing to be readmitted into the Medical Assisting program must meet admission requirements and will be readmitted according to the following priority:
- Students in good academic standing who had to withdraw due to documented medical reasons.
- Students who have withdrawn or been suspended or dismissed for disciplinary, attendance or academic reasons.
The student may continue the readmission process upon written approval from the department head. The Medical Assisting department head and affiliated faculty reserve the right to impose additional requirements and/or recommendations in the form of an academic contract intended to improve the student’s opportunity for successful completion of the program. The individual who fails to complete the readmission procedure is denied readmission and will be subjected to the student appeals process to file a formal appeal.
Refer to Randolph Community College Transfer Credit section of the Awarding Credit policy of the Catalog. For additional information, please contact the Medical Assisting Department Head, Kia Vang, at 336-328-1779 or kyvang@randolph.edu.
The Randolph Community College Medical Assisting program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (caahep.org) upon the recommendation of Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
9335 - 113th St. N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775
caahep.orgMedical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB)
2020 North California Ave, #213 Suite 7
Chicago, IL 60647
maerb.orgGraduates of CAAHEP accredited medical assisting programs may be eligible to sit for the American Association of Medical Assistants' Certification Examination to become Certified Medical Assistants.
American Association of Medical Assisting (AAMA)
20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 3720
Chicago, IL 60606
Upon successful completion of the Medical Assisting program, the student should be able to
- Demonstrate critical thinking based on knowledge of subject matter required for competence in the profession.
- Communicate professionally and effectively, both orally and in writing, while demonstrating respect for individual diversity.
- Incorporate cognitive knowledge implementing psychomotor domains in performing clinical and laboratory procedures.
- Demonstrate cognitive knowledge and awareness of providing patient care in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations, policies, laws, and patient rights, in the practice setting.
- Incorporate protective practices and quality control measures, relating to health and safety policies and procedures, to prevent accidents and maintain a safe work environment.
The Medical Assisting curriculum prepares multi-skilled health care professionals qualified to perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory procedures. To effectively train Medical Assisting professionals, the performance of certain functions is incorporated throughout the program. Faculty and students are required to demonstrate proficiency of these functions in the Medical Assisting program. Medical Assisting students should possess and be able to demonstrate the following essential functions:
Critical Thinking: Critical thinking ability sufficient for practicum judgment. For example, a student must be able to identify cause-effect relationships in practicum situations; collect and analyze data to aid in problem solving. Cognitive ability to be oriented to time, place, and persons; organize responsibilities and make decisions. For example, student shall assess patient/client complaints, provide prioritized patient care and implement appropriate plans.
Interpersonal Skills: Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families, groups, etc. from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds. The student must deal effectively with stress produced by the work environment and interpersonal situations. For example, student shall establish rapport with patients/clients and health care team members.
Student needs interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families, groups, etc. from a variety of social, emotional, societal, cultural, beliefs and intellectual backgrounds. For example, student shall establish rapport with patients/clients and health care team members.
Student must be able to develop mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with patients and colleagues.The student must be able to accept constructive criticism and make the necessary changes in performance to maintain program standards.
Student must be adaptable, flexible, and able to function in the face of uncertainty.
He or she must have integrity, the motivation to serve, a high level of compassion, and a consciousness of social values.
Communication Skills: Communication abilities sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written form. For example, explain treatment procedures; initiate health teaching; document and interpret medical actions and patient/client responses.
Mobility: Physical abilities sufficient to move from room to room and maneuver in small spaces stand and walk for extensive periods of time. For example, frequent trips from workstation to patients’ rooms; move around in patient’s rooms, work spaces and treatment areas.
- The student should be able to work continuously for up to four (4) hours per day.
- The student should be able to push heavy equipment or patients in wheelchairs weighing up to three hundred and fifty (350) pounds.
Motor Skills: The student must possess gross and fine motor skills sufficient to perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory duties.
Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe and effective medical assisting care. For example, calibrate and use equipment, document care, position and move patients/clients, administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures, and perform skill procedures.
- Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment, such as performing palpation, functions of physical examination and/or those related to therapeutic intervention, and taking pulses.
- The student should have tactile perception in both hands in order to safely handle instruments/sharps, contaminated wastes and body fluids, and laboratory specimens utilizing precautions and following OSHA/CLIA standards.
- The student should have tactile perception in both hands in order to assist the physician during minor office surgical procedures.
- The student should be able to perform basic clinical/lab/administrative duties in a timely manner in order to maintain the normal flow of patients through the physician’s office.
Hearing: auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess health needs. For example, hear monitor alarms, emergency signals, auscultator sounds, and cries for help.
Visual: visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment necessary in medical care. For example, observe patient/client responses and specimen color. Students must have visual acuity to differentiate normal/abnormal patient specimens using a microscope and be able to determine positive/negative results on visual inspection on waived tests and instrument controls.
Weight-Bearing: ability to lift and manipulate/move 40-50 pounds daily. For example, position patients/clients and move equipment.
Cognitive abilities: ability to be oriented to time, place, and person; organize responsibilites and make decisions. For example, student shall assess patient/client complaints, provide prioritized patient care and implement appropriate plans.
The above examples are illustrative only and are not all inclusive!
If a medical assisting student or applicant believes that he or she cannot meet one or more of the standards without accommodations or modifications, the student should confer directly with the Department Head, to determine whether or not any additional accommodations can be provided and whether such accommodations are feasible. Students needing any form of accommodation are expected to engage in an interactive process with the Director of Student Success Counselor, the Department Head for medical assisting, and any other administrative officials, to determine what modifications or accommodations may be reasonable and appropriate. Please refer to the College catalog for specific information.
Randolph Community College is an ADA compliant institution. The College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admissions process or in access to its programs, services and/or activities for qualified individuals who meet essential eligibility requirements. The College will provide reasonable accommodations for documented disabilities of individuals who are eligible to receive or participate in college programs, services and/or activities. Student Services provides a disability counselor to assist students in requesting disability related accommodations. If a student believes that he/she cannot meet one or more of the essential functions without accommodations, the student is encouraged to disclose the disability to the disability counselor as soon as possible. Students must certify the ability to meet essential functions of the curriculum by a signed statement when they begin the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Medical Assisting program is now taught at RCC's new Dr. Robert S. Shackleford Jr. Allied Health Center. It is on the Asheboro Campus, next to the Richard Petty Education Center. The address is 606 Industrial Park Avenue, Asheboro, N.C., 27205.
Medical assistants are multi-skilled allied health professionals who are specifically trained to work in ambulatory settings, such as urgent care, clinics, physician’s offices, and group practices, performing administrative, laboratory, and clinical procedures.
The responsibilities of a medical assistant will vary depending on the office, location, size, and specialty of the physician. Clinical duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Obtain medical histories
- Obtain and record vital signs
- Perform diagnostic testing
- Assist physician with examination procedures
- Prepare patients for minor surgical procedures
- Perform venipuncture, EKG’s, X-rays
- Collect and process lab specimens
- Insurance billing, coding, and bookkeeping
- Maintain, update, and file medical records
- Schedule appointments
- Process mail and handle correspondences
- Apply appropriate ethical and legal professional conduct.
Yes, Randolph Community College has scholarships, grants, and financial aid available. Students who are interested in financial aid and available scholarships should apply for aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to see if they qualify.
Graduates of RCC’s Medical Assisting program are eligible to take the Certified Medical Assistant certification examination through the American Association of Medical Assistants. Additional information can be obtained by accessing their website at aama-ntl.org.
Graduates can be employed without acquiring formal credentials. However, the trend is toward certification, therefore, students are strongly encouraged to seek certification following graduation.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of medical assistants is expected to grow 23 percent from 2018 to 2028, which is much faster than average. As the healthcare industry expands due to technological advances in medicine and the growth and aging population, there will be an increased need for all healthcare workers. Medical assistants are projected to account for the large increase in new jobs and should have the best job opportunities since employers generally prefer those with formal training and certification.
Contact Us!
Have more questions about the Medical Assisting Program? We're here to help.
Rebekah Kingston
Director of Student Success
Kia Vang, CMA (AAMA), CPT
Department Head, Medical Assisting
Elaine Sill
Student Success Counselor