Randolph Community College’s Archdale Center isn’t far from the Asheboro Campus, only about a 20-minute drive that’s mostly interstate! The Center is inside the city of Archdale’s “Creekside Park,” which offers amazing opportunities for outdoor lunch breaks! The Center has been around since 1990 but has grown over the years.

Archdale Center

Quick Links
The Archdale Center is open Monday - Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday. For additional information, please call the Center at 336-328-1750.
What classes do you offer?
What type of class are you interested in? We offer both Continuing Education (ex.6-10 week class with no diploma or degree earned) and Curriculum (diploma or degree program).
What do I need to do to get my GED?
If you are 18 or older, you can sign up for Connections (Orientation). If you are 16 or 17, you will need to pick up release forms that must be completed by both your legal guardian and last school attended. To sign up for Connections or to turn in completed forms, please call 336-633-0107.
Do you have a bookstore?
We don't have a bookstore at the Archdale Center. You will need to contact the bookstore at the main campus in Asheboro. Once you have purchased books, you may request that they be sent to the Archdale Center for your convenience.
Do you have computer lab for students to use?
If you are an RCC student, we do have labs that can be used when not in use by classes.
Do you offer placement testing?
For placement testing dates and times, please contact the Assessment Center at 336-633-0321.
Archdale, NC 27263
Email: tcmonroe@randolph.edu