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Business Training

If you’re looking for training related to topics such as bookkeeping, computer skills, or need business-related training and certifications, you’ve come to the right spot. Our classes will teach you all the skills you need to use a computer as well as how to use many applications. You can learn bookkeeping skills through our QuickBooks classes and prepare for certification exams in our exam prep classes.

Check out our programs below and use the 'Search for Classes' button to view upcoming classes. When you're ready to register, you can register online or use the 'Register for Classes' button to see other registration options.

Explore Our Classes


Bookkeeping & Accounting

Description Classes

If you own a business and want to learn how to do your own accounting, our QuickBooks classes will teach you everything you need to know starting with the basics. You'll learn how to generate financial statements, record transactions, process payroll, track jobs and time, and audit your records. We have three levels of QuickBooks training ranging from basic, intermediate, and advanced.


Computer Skills

Description Classes

Need to learn how to use a computer or improve the skills you already have? We offer various levels of computer classes ranging from the basics to advanced topics that will make you workforce ready. We also offer classes that teach topics such as Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, website design, HTML, and much more.


Human Resource Certification Exam Preparation

Description Classes

Are you a HR professional wanting to prepare for your aPHR, PHR®, or SPHR® certification exam? In our exam prep classes you'll learn information needed to be successful through multiple learning techniques that have been developed from feedback from actual test takers. The HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®) does not endorse any particular preparation program or offering.


Employability Skills

Description Classes

Are you unemployed or have you recently found out you will be losing your job? Searching for jobs and feeling prepared to find a new one can be hard if you haven't had to do it in a long time. Our Employability Skills classes will help you with job searches, resumes, and interview skills to make sure you're ready and confident when it's time for you to start your next career. Many of our employability skills classes are fee waived for those who are unemployed, underemployed, or have received a notification of a pending layoff. When you're searching for classes, all employability skills classes will be coded as HRD.


Notary Public Education

Description Classes

Notaries prevent fraud and forgery and if you want to be commissioned as a Notary Public in North Carolina, you'll need to complete this class. You'll learn what you can do as a Notary Public and what rules you must follow. To be a Notary Public, you must be 18 years of age or legally emancipated; speak, read, and write English; possess a high school diploma or equivalent; and live or work in the state; and not. Also please note that any person who has been convicted of a felony under North Carolina or federal law is prohibited from holding public office including the office of Notary Public.

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Contact Us! 

Have more questions about our Workforce Development and Continuing Education classes? We're here to help.

Contact us at 336-633-0200.