student with book

Career and College Promise

Summer and Fall 2025 Registration Meetings are open!

Follow these steps for FREE college classes!

¡Gratis Universidad!

Mission Statement

Because of our interest in students’ individual journeys, we are here to support, advocate, and empower high school students to overcome obstacles as they walk towards growth and purpose.

FREE College in High School!

RCC High School Hub LogoDid you know? Randolph Community College's Career & College Promise (CCP) Program allows high school sophomores, juniors and seniors to take tuition free college courses! This program allows eligible students to enroll in college classes at North Carolina community colleges. If they complete these college courses, they can earn both high school and college credit! Oh, and did we mention it's FREE?

Career & College Promise offers students the option to choose from these pathways:

  • College Transfer - Designed for students planning to continue their educational career beyond high school to eventually achieve an associate's or bachelor's degree at a community college or university.
  • Career & Technical Education - Allows students to begin a certification or diploma program in a particular technical field or career area.
  • Continuing Education (Dependent on state school approval) - Students can take classes for FREE* in our Continuing Education department. Students only receive high school credit for some of these classes. Please check with your high school counselor for credit opportunities.

    * Certain continuing education classes could have other costs involved involving supplies, testing, and insurance. Home and private school students must pay tuition for these classes.

Meet the High School Hub team!

Would you like general information about CCP and Dual Enrollment?
Call 336-318-4913.
If you want school-specific information, please find your advisor below.

* Note for Appointments: Students, please sign in as a "guest" *


  • Andi Wilson
    Assistant to the Associate Dean of Educational Partnerships and Pathways/High School Career Coach

Brandy May Photo



Kim Hall Photo

Misty West Photo

You're Interested! What's Next?

College Transfer Pathways

  • Be a sophomore, junior or senior, and
  • Be making academic progress toward high school graduation.
  • Juniors or seniors must:
    • Have an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher on high school courses or demonstrate college readiness in English, Reading, and Mathematics on an assessment test(s) *see the chart below for more information.
    • Meet all college course prerequisites.
  • Sophomores must:
    • Be a high school sophomore, and
    • Be identified as gifted by:
      • Local AIG plan in English/reading and math, or
      • An aptitude and achievement test as evidenced by a score in the range between the 92nd percentile and the 99th percentile on the aptitude and the achievement test included in the current Mental Measurements Yearbook published by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, and
    • Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading and mathematics on an approved assessment; (See below for college readiness scores), and
    • Receive recommendation verifying the student has the maturity to enroll from high school principal or equivalent administrator; and receive recommendation of AIG Coordinator (if one is employed by the district), and
    • Receive approval of college president or the college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer, and
    • Receive written consent of the student’s parent/guardian, and
    • Receive academic advising prior to enrollment in the program.

To maintain eligibility for continued enrollment, a student must:

  • Continue to make progress toward high school graduation, and
  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA in college coursework after completing two courses, and
  • Submit an updated high school transcript each academic term.
Career Technical Pathways
  • Be a junior or senior
  • Be enrolled in at least one high school course
  • Have high school designee's approval OR demonstrate college readiness on assessment tests below. (CTE pathways with UGETC classes in them must follow College Transfer eligibility requirements.)
  • Meet all college course prerequisites

Test Scores To Demonstrate College Readiness

  • PSAT 10 and PSAT/NMSQT 2015 and Future**
    • English: 26 or a composite score of 460 for Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing
    • Reading: 26 or a composite score of 460 for Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing
    • Mathematics: 24.5 or 510
  • ACT and Pre-ACT
    • English: 18
    • Reading: 22
    • Mathematics: 22
  • RISE
    • English/Reading: 70 or higher on Tier 1 and Tier 2
    • Math: 70 or higher on Tier 1, 2, and 3
  • SAT (March 2016 and Future)
    • English: 480 Evidence-Based Reading & Writing
    • Reading: 480 Evidence-Based Reading & Writing
    • Mathematics: 530
  • NC DAP (NCCCS Cut Score)
    • English: Composite score of 151 or higher
    • Reading: Composite score of 151 or higher
    • Mathematics: 7 on each assessment for DMA 010 thru 060

2024-2025 CTE Layouts


2025-2026 CTE Layouts

  • Step 1:
Get your RCC accounts set up. Follow these steps and view your schedule. Check for an email from your RCC Representative with the following information.
  • Step 2:
Complete the online orientation course by the start of the semester (this is where you will find important information regarding books, parking passes, etc.).
  • Step 3:
Enroll in your school’s Remind group. Check with your RCC representative for that code. 
  • Step 4:
Mark your calendar for the start of the semester to log in and complete your syllabus quiz for online classes or attend if in a face-to-face class on campus.

  • Are home school and private school students eligible to participate in Career & College Promise?
Yes, students attending a registered home school or a private school may participate in CCP. Generally, private school students are required to establish eligibility using the same criteria applied to public school students (GPA, assessment scores). Home school students and students from private schools not using traditional grading scales shall follow the community college’s established procedures for assessing eligibility and determining placement. Homeschool/private students have access to free tuition but will need to cover their book fee(s). A transcript must be supplied, as well.

Click here to view/download the transcript requirements for home school students

This is a lot of technical jargon, but it ultimately comes down to who you, the student, gives permission to access any of your educational files and/or records. Please clarify this information with your High School Hub representative or someone in Student Services.

For more information, view RCC’s policy here:

Confidentiality of Permanent Records

Students with disabilities may contact the office of Student Services for assistance. It is recommended that students meet with the disability professional at Randolph Community College to learn how to receive accommodations for college classes. Tammy Cheek can be reached at 336-633-0246 or Policies regarding accommodations for college classes are different from policies for high school class accommodations.

Information on accommodations for students at RCC can be accessed here.

  • Can high school students enroll in a community college outside of Career & College Promise?
No, except for some non-credit courses taken on a self-supporting basis, including safe driving courses.
  • What is the maximum number of college credits that a CCP student can take?

CCP students can take five classes per 16- week term and three classes per 8-week term. Students must complete the entire CCP pathway before pursuing additional courses. All CCP participants must maintain eligibility status as noted in our CCP Student Handbook below.

  • Will CCP students receive honors or AP credit for completing college courses?

All community college courses included on the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) will receive weighted credit in accordance with NCDPI policy GCS-L-004. CTE and other courses not included in the CAA are not eligible for weighted credit.

  • Are there any community college courses that DPI will allow to count towards high school core course graduation requirements?

Yes, principals are permitted to award dual credit based upon course content relative to available high school courses and State Board of Education policy GCS-M-001, which allows students in a College Transfer pathway to receive high school credit toward graduation requirements using community college courses. Additionally, some CTE college courses may count towards high school CTE core requirements. Contact the high school counselor or principal for more information.


  • Who pays the cost of the student’s textbooks?
Textbooks are a student’s responsibility, however there may be local provisions for them. A student’s high school, the school district, or another local organization may cover these costs. Students should check with their principal or counselor to verify how these costs are paid.
  • Are student fees (e.g., technology fees and insurance fees) waived in addition to the waived tuition for CCP students?
No, however local school districts and community colleges should work together to determine whether and how student fees will be paid for CCP participants.
  • Are any funds available to assist the high schools with transporting students to the college’s campus?
No additional transportation funding is available for CCP students.

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