Graphic Design
Put your creativity to use! From magazine ads in print and online to building websites to mobile apps, clothing graphics, and outdoor advertising, graphic designers are sought out and well-compensated for their artistic abilities and promotional acumen.
In our Graphic Design program, you'll develop key skills in graphic design, multimedia, web design, illustration, branding, advertising and more. You'll also get the training and experience to pursue careers with graphic design studios, advertising agencies, marketing agencies, printing and sign companies, businesses with in-house graphics operations, or even your own business.
Courses for this A.A.S. degree program are offered during the day and are primarily in person with some online content.
First Year: Fall Semester (17 Semester Hours Credit)- ACA 111 - College Student Success OR ACA 122 - College Transfer Success
- ENG 111 - Writing and Inquiry
- GRD 110 - Typography I
- GRD 141 - Graphic Design I
- GRD 151 - Computer Graphics I
- GRD 167 - Photographic Imaging I
- GRD 142 - Graphic Design II
- GRD 152 - Computer Design Tech I
- GRD 182 - Digital & Print Marketing
- GRD 183 - Concept, Design, and Process
- WEB 110 - Web Development Fundamentals
- GRD 121 - Drawing Fundamentals I
- GRD 241 - Graphic Design III
- --- Humanities/Fine Arts
- --- Natural Sciences/Mathematics
- GRD 153 - Computer Design Solutions
- GRD 188 - Graphic Design for Web I
- GRD 242 - Graphic Design IV
- GRD 271 - Multimedia Design I
- WBL 112A - Work-Based Learning I - AGD
- GRD 272 - Multimedia and Video II
- GRD 280 - Portfolio Design
- GRD 285 - Client/Media Relations
- --- Communications Elective
- SOC - Social/Behavioral Science Course
Total Semester Hours Credit: 71/72
Social/Behavioral Sciences courses approved for this program.
Communication Elective
COM 110 - Introduction to Communication
COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication
COM 231 - Public Speaking
ENG 112 - Argument-Based Research
ENG 114 - Prof Research & Reporting
ENG 116 - Technical Report Writing
Natural Science/Mathematics
BIO 110 - Principles of Biology
BIO 111 - General Biology
GEL 111 - Geology
MAT 110 - Math Measurement & Literacy
MAT 112 - Technical Mathematics
MAT 143 - Quantitative Literacy
MAT 152 - Statistical Methods I
PHY 110 - Conceptual Physics
PHY 121 - Applied Physics I
Courses for this certificate program are offered day, evening, online and/or hybrid.
First Year: Fall Semester (13 Semester Hours Credit)
- GRD 151 - Computer Design Basics
- GRD 110 - Typography I
- GRD 167 - Digital Photography I
- GRD 141 - Graphic Design I
First Year: Spring Semester (10 Semester Hours Credit)
First Year: Summer Semester (7 Semester Hours Credit)
- GRD 241 - Graphic Design II
- --- - Humanities/Fine Arts
Second Year: Fall Semester (8 Semester Hours Credit)
Second Year: Spring Semester (9 Semester Hours Credit)
Total Semester Hours Credit: 47
Courses for this certificate program are offered day, evening, online and/or hybrid.
First Year: Fall Semester (10 Semester Hours Credit)
First Year: Spring Semester (7 Semester Hours Credit)
Total Semester Hours Credit: 17
Upon successful completion of the Graphic Design program, the student should be able to:
- Utilize computer technology for principles of design development and production.
- Demonstrate the ability to utilize knowledge of color theory.
- Demonstrate concept development and illustration skills for promotional materials.
- Utilize industry standard business practices and communication.
- Demonstrate the ability to utilize knowledge of typography.
The Graphic Design curriculum is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills necessary for employment in the graphic design profession, which emphasizes design, advertising, illustration, and digital and multimedia preparation of printed and electronic promotional materials. To effectively train Graphic Design professionals, the performance of certain functions is incorporated throughout the program. Faculty and students are required to demonstrate proficiency of these functions in the Graphic Design program. The essential functions include:
- Critical Thinking: critical thinking ability sufficient to gather relevant information, interpret data, recognize problems, and use a process to make informed, independent decisions that show good judgment. For example, making a good decision about the best financial report to produce based on user needs.
- Interpersonal Skills: interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with co-workers and clients, function and contribute as part of a team, be accountable for self and others, and maintain appropriate hygiene for an office environment. For example, the ability to interact effectively with other members on a team project.
- Communication Skills: speak English, write English, listen and comprehend written and spoken words, and communicate information and ideas so others will understand. For example, the ability to make a presentation to a client.
- Mobility: mobility that is appropriate for an office or classroom setting is needed. For example, mobile enough to sit and stand repeatedly in an office setting.
- Motor Skills: be able to sit for extended periods of time and manual dexterity. For example, as needed for computer work/keyboarding.
- Hearing: hearing ability to hear sounds at a close range (within a few feet of the observer). For example, being able to hear and respond to an instructor or other students in a classroom.
- Visual: visual ability to see with normal or corrected vision, tolerate working indoors in artificial light and the glare of computer screens. For example, the ability to look at a computer screen for long periods of time.
- Tactile: ability to perform physical activities that require use of hands and arms. For example, possessing finger and manual dexterity necessary to manipulate computer and other office equipment.
- Weight-Bearing: none.
- Cognitive: cognitive ability to use logic and reason, attention to detail, and short-term and long term memory skills. For example, the ability to remember a concept covered in a class in a previous week of a semester.
- Visual Color Discrimination: visual color discrimination ability to match or detect differences between colors, including shades of color and brightness. For example, the ability to determine color schemes in the development of digital and multimedia promotional materials.
Randolph Community College is an ADA compliant institution. The College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admissions process or in access to its programs, services and/or activities for qualified individuals who meet essential eligibility requirements. The College will provide reasonable accommodations for documented disabilities of individuals who are eligible to receive or participate in college programs, services and/or activities. Student Services provides a disability counselor to assist students in requesting disability related accommodations. If a student believes that he/she cannot meet one or more of the essential functions without accommodations, the student is encouraged to disclose the disability to the disability counselor as soon as possible. Students must certify the ability to meet essential functions of the curriculum by a signed statement when they begin the program.
Fast Facts
Full-time tuition (16 or more credit hours/semester):
In State (North Carolina)
- $1,216/Semester*
Out of State
- $4,288/Semester*
*approx. based on 2021-2022 academic year
- Lisa Hughes
- Loryn Smith
- Malinda Blackwell
- Kerri Lindley
- Daniel Whittaker
(320 hours, fall semester internship is required)
- AIM Marketing
- Cox’s Harley Davidson
- Fresh Market
- Futuna Marketing
- Graphic Components
- KLC Creative
- Redding Communications
- Stallard
- Stir Creative
- Stonetree Signs
- SundaySocial
- The Warehouse
- Victory Junction
- Downtown Asheboro Inc.
- Sunset Avenue Church of God
- United Way
- Randolph County Sheriff's Office
Contact Us!
Have more questions about the Graphic Design Program? We're here to help.
Lisa HughesDepartment Head, Design Programs
Loryn Smith
Instructor, Graphic Design