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Associate in Science (College Transfer)

associates_science_logoDo you see yourself in a career focused on math or science? If you're planning to pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree at a four-year college or university in computer science, engineering, mathematics, the sciences, or professional programs that require strong mathematics and science backgrounds, the Associate in Science (A.S.) program is a perfect fit.

When you earn an A.S. degree at RCC, you will be ready to transfer to numerous four-year colleges or universities with two years of credits already completed. Our small, personalized classes and state-of-the-art facilities provide an ideal learning experience that prepares you for success. You will also save thousands on tuition and fees when compared to the costs of four-year colleges and universities.


Courses for the A.S. degree program are offered day, evening, online and/or hybrid.

Course Selection

Students should consult their academic advisor and their transfer institution for assistance with course selection. There are certain requirements that must be met. These include the following:

  • ACA 122 is required for the degree.
  • ENG 111 and ENG 112 are required.
  • Within the Humanities/Fine Arts area, 6 hours are required, and courses must come from 2 different prefixes.
  • Within the Social/Behavioral Sciences area, 6 hours are required, and courses must come from 2 different prefixes.
  • Within the Natural Sciences area, 8 hours are required. Students who take BIO 111, CHM 151, PHY 151 are required to take the second course of that prefix (BIO 112, CHM 152, PHY 152) to satisfy the UGETC science requirement.
  • Within the Mathematics area, 8 hours are required to satisfy the UGETC mathematics requirement. These courses include MAT 171, MAT 263, MAT 172, MAT 271, and MAT 272.
  • Students must meet the prerequisites to take certain courses. Developmental Studies courses are available for those who need them.

Universal General Education Transfer Component Courses (UGETC) (34 Semester Hours Credit Required)

  • English Composition (6 Semester Hours Credit Required)
    • ENG 111 - Writing and Inquiry (3 SHC)
    • ENG 112 - Writing/Research in the Disc (3 SHC)
  • Humanities/Fine Arts (6 Semester Hours Credit Required)
    Select 3 courses from at least 2 different prefixes.
    • ART 111 - Art Appreciation (3 SHC)
    • ART 114 - Art History Survey I (3 SHC)
    • ART 115 - Art History Survey II (3 SHC)
    • COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication (3 SHC)
    • COM 231 - Public Speaking (3 SHC)
    • DRA 111 - Theater Appreciation (3 SHC)
    • ENG 231 - American Literature I (3 SHC)
    • ENG 232 - American Literature II (3 SHC)
    • ENG 241 - British Literature I (3 SHC)
    • ENG 242 - British Literature II (3 SHC)
    • MUS 110 - Music Appreciation (3 SHC)
    • PHI 215 - Philosophical Issues (3 SHC)
    • PHI 240 - Introduction to Ethics (3 SHC)
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences (6 Semester Hours Credit Required)
    Select 3 courses from at least 2 different prefixes.
    • ECO 251 - Prin of Microeconomics (3 SHC)
    • ECO 252 - Prin of Macroeconomics (3 SHC)
    • HIS 111 - World Civilizations I (3 SHC)
    • HIS 112 - World Civilizations II (3 SHC)
    • HIS 131 - American History I (3 SHC)
    • HIS 132 - American History II (3 SHC)
    • POL 120 - American Government (3 SHC)
    • PSY 150 - General Psychology (3 SHC)
    • SOC 210 - Introduction to Sociology (3 SHC)
  • Natural Sciences (8 Semester Hours Credit Required)
    • BIO 110 - Principles of Biology (4 SHC)
    • BIO 111* - General Biology I (4 SHC)
    • BIO 112* - General Biology II (4 SHC)
    • CHM 151* - General Chemistry I (4 SHC)
    • CHM 152* - General Chemistry II (4 SHC)
    • GEL 111 - Introductory Geology (4 SHC)
    • PHY 110^ - Conceptual Physics (3 SHC)
    • PHY 110A^ - Conceptual Physics Lab (1 SHC)
    • PHY 151* - College Physics I (4 SHC)
    • PHY 152* - College Physics II (4 SHC)
      * must take both courses
      ^ co-requisites; take together
  • Mathematics (8 Semester Hours Credit Required)
    Select 2 courses from the following.

General Education (11 Semester Hours Credit Required)
Select from any course listed here or above.
Courses should be selected based on your intended major and transfer university.

  • CIS 110 - Introduction to Computers (3 SHC)
  • CIS 115 - Intro to Programming & Logic (3 SHC)
  • COM 110 - Intro to Communication (3 SHC)
  • ENG 114 - Prof Research & Reporting (3 SHC)
  • GEO 111 - World Regional Geography (3 SHC)
  • HUM 110 - Technology and Society (3 SHC)
  • HUM 115 - Critical Thinking (3 SHC)
  • HUM 130 - Myth in Human Culture (3 SHC)
  • MAT 143 - Quantitative Literacy (3 SHC)
  • MAT 152 - Statistical Methods I (4 SHC)
  • PSY 241 - Developmental Psychology (3 SHC)
  • PSY 281 - Abnormal Psychology (3 SHC)
  • REL 110 - World Religions (3 SHC)
  • REL 212 - Intro to New Testament (3 SHC)
  • REL 221 - Religion in America (3 SHC)
  • SOC 213 - Sociology of the Family (3 SHC)
  • SOC 225 - Social Diversity (3 SHC)
  • SPA 111 - Elementary Spanish I (3 SHC)
  • SPA 112 - Elementary Spanish II (3 SHC)
  • SPA 211 - Intermediate Spanish I (3 SHC)
  • SPA 212 - Intermediate Spanish II (3 SHC)

 Other Requirements (15 Semester Hours Credit Required)

  • ACA 122* - College Transfer Success *(Required) (1 SHC)

Select 14 semester hours credit from any courses listed above or below.
Courses should be selected based on your intended major and transfer university.

  • ACC 120 - Prin of Financial Acct (4 SHC)
  • ACC 121 - Prin of Managerial Acct (4 SHC)
  • BIO 163 - Basic Anat & Physiology (5 SHC)
  • BIO 168 - Anatomy and Physiology I (4 SHC)
  • BIO 169 - Anatomy and Physiology II (4 SHC)
  • BIO 175 - General Microbiology (3 SHC)
  • BUS 110 - Introduction to Business (3 SHC)
  • BUS 115 - Business Law I (3 SHC)
  • BUS 137 - Principles of Management (3 SHC)
  • CJC 111 - Intro to Criminal Justice (3 SHC)
  • CJC 113 - Juvenile Justice (3 SHC)
  • CJC 121 - Law Enforcement Operations (3 SHC)
  • CJC 141 - Corrections (3 SHC)
  • CJC 212 - Ethics and Comm Relations (3 SHC)
  • CTS 115 - Info Sys Business Concept (3 SHC)
  • EDU 131 - Child, Family, and Community (3 SHC)
  • EDU 144 - Child Development I (3 SHC)
  • EDU 145 - Child Development II (3 SHC)
  • EDU 216 - Foundations of Education (3 SHC)
  • EDU 221 - Children with Exceptionalities (3 SHC)
  • HEA 110 - Personal Health/Wellness (3 SHC)
  • HIS 221 - African-American History (3 SHC)
  • HIS 236 - North Carolina History (3 SHC)
  • PED 110 - Fit and Well for Life (2 SHC)
  • PED 111 - Physical Fitness I (1 SHC)
  • PED 112 - Physical Fitness II (1 SHC)
  • PED 120 - Walking for Fitness (1 SHC)
  • PED 121 - Walk, Jog, Run (1 SHC)
  • PED 171 - Nature Hiking (1 SHC)

Total Semester Hours Credit: 60-61


Students are encouraged to follow the Associate in Science worksheet as a guideline.

AS degree students will be able to use information literacy and communication skills to:
  • ILC1. Express ideas clearly and logically through oral presentation
  • ILC2. Compose well-written documents using standard written English
  • ILC3. Comprehend college-level readings 
  • ILC4. Locate and evaluate information  
AS degree students will be able to use critical thinking to:
  • CT1. Demonstrate problem-solving skills
  • CT2. Draw valid inferences through the analysis of information 

The Associate in Arts and Associate in Science programs offer degrees that are designed to facilitate students’ expansion of their general knowledge and preparation for further education at a senior higher education institution. Students are required to demonstrate proficiency of certain functions to progress through the program. The essential functions include:

  1. Critical Thinking: critical thinking ability sufficient to gather relevant information, interpret data, recognize problems, and use a process to make informed, independent decisions that show good judgment
  2. Communication Skills: speak and write English; listen and comprehend written and spoken words; and communicate information and ideas so others will understand
  3. Mobility: mobility that is appropriate for a classroom setting is needed. For example, a student should be mobile enough to sit and stand repeatedly in a classroom setting.
  4. Motor Skills: motor skills sufficient to be able to sit for extended periods of time
  5. Manual Dexterity: manual dexterity sufficient for computer work/keyboarding
  6. Hearing: ability to hear sounds at a close range (within a few feet of the observer). For example, a student should be able to hear and respond to an instructor or other students in a classroom.
  7. Visual: ability to see with normal or corrected vision as well as tolerate working indoors in artificial light and the glare of computer screens
  8. Tactile: ability to perform physical activities that require use of hands and arms. For example, students should possess the finger and manual dexterity necessary to manipulate computers and other office equipment.
  9. Cognitive: ability to use logic and reason; attention to detail; and short-term and long-term memory skills. For example, students should possess the ability to remember a concept covered in a class in a previous week of a semester.
  10. Listening: listening skills sufficient to give full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times. For example, students should be able to have appropriate interactions with faculty and peers.

Randolph Community College is an ADA compliant institution. The College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admissions process or in access to its programs, services and/or activities for qualified individuals who meet essential eligibility requirements. The College will provide reasonable accommodations for documented disabilities of individuals who are eligible to receive or participate in college programs, services and/or activities. Student Services provides a disability counselor to assist students in requesting disability related accommodations. If a student believes that he/she cannot meet one or more of the essential functions without accommodations, the student is encouraged to disclose the disability to the disability counselor as soon as possible. Students must certify the ability to meet essential functions of the curriculum by a signed statement when they begin the program.

Contact Us!

Have more questions about the Associate in Science Program? We're here to help.

Tammy Cheek
Assistant Director of Student Success