guy holding book

Associate in General Education


Study English, literature, fine arts, mathematics, science and much more in our two-year Associate in General Education program. You'll take a broad range of classes, grow in key skill areas, explore different topics and build a foundation of knowledge that will serve you no matter what you choose to pursue next.

Many of the courses in this program are equivalent to college transfer courses; however, the program is not principally designed for college transfer. It is a good way to earn credits while awaiting admission into Associate Degree Nursing, Radiography, or Medical Assisting programs.


Courses for this A.A.S. degree program are offered day, evening, online and/or hybrid.

General Education Core (44 Semester Hours Credit)*

  • Communications (6 Semester Hours Credit)
    • ENG 111 - Writing and Inquiry (3 SHC)
    • ENG 112 - Writing/Research in the Disc (3 SHC)
    • ENG 114 - Prof. Research & Reporting (3 SHC)
    • COM 110 - Introduction to Communication (3 SHC)
    • COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication (3 SHC)
    • COM 231 - Public Speaking (3 SHC)
  • Humanities/Fine Arts (3 Semester Hours Credit )**
    • Select one course from those listed below.
      • ART 111 - Art Appreciation (3 SHC)
      • ART 114 - Art History Survey I (3 SHC)
      • ART 115 - Art History Survey II (3 SHC)
      • COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication (3 SHC)
      • DRA 111 - Theatre Appreciation (3 SHC)
      • ENG 231 - American Literature I (3 SHC)
      • ENG 232 - American Literature II (3 SHC)
      • ENG 241 - British Literacture I (3 SHC)
      • ENG 242 - British Literature II (3 SHC)
      • HUM 110 - Technology & Society (3 SHC)
      • HUM 115  - Critical Thinking (3 SHC)
      • HUM 130 - Myth in Human Culture (3 SHC)
      • MUS 110 - Music Appreciation (3 SHC)
      • PHI 215 - Philosophical Issues (3 SHC)
      • PHI 240 - Introduction to Ethics (3 SHC)
      • REL 110 - World Religions (3 SHC)
      • REL 221 - Religion in America (3 SHC)
    • Introductory foreign language courses (SPA 111) cannot be used to satisfy this requirement; however, these courses are credited under Other Required Hours.
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 Semester Hours Credit)
    • Select one course from those listed below.
      • ECO 251 - Principles of Microeconomics (3 SHC)
      • ECO 252 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3 SHC)
      • GEO 111 - World Regional Geography (3 SHC)
      • HIS 111 - World Civilizations I (3 SHC)
      • HIS 131 - American History I (3 SHC)
      • HIS 132 - American History II (3 SHC)
      • HIS 221 - African-American History (3 SHC)
      • HIS 236 - North Carolina History (3 SHC)
      • POL 120 - American Government (3 SHC)
      • PSY 150 - General Psychology (3 SHC)
      • PSY 241 - Developmental Psychology (3 SHC)
      • SOC 210 - Introduction to Sociology (3 SHC)
      • SOC 213 - Sociology of the Family (3 SHC)
      • SOC 225 - Social Diversity (3 SHC)
  • Natural Sciences/Mathematics (3 Semester Hours Credit)
    • Natural Sciences
      • BIO 110 - Principles of Biology (4 SHC)
      • BIO 111 - General Biology I (4 SHC)
      • BIO 112 - General Biology II (4 SHC)
      • CHM 151 - General Chemistry I (4 SHC)
      • CHM 152 - General Chemistry II (4 SHC)
      • GEL 111 - Introductory Geology (4 SHC)
      • PHY 110 - Conceptual Physics (3 SHC)
      • PHY 110A - Conceptual Physics Lab (1 SHC)
      • PHY 151 - College Physics I (4 SHC)
      • PHY 152 - College Physics II (4 SHC)     OR
    • Mathematics - Select one course from the following:
      • CIS 110 - Introduction to Computers (3 SHC)
      • CIS 115 - Intro. to Programming & Logic (3 SHC)
      • MAT 143 - Quantitative Literacy (3 SHC)
      • MAT 152 - Statistical Methods I (4 SHC)
      • MAT 171 - Precalculus Algebra (4 SHC)
      • MAT 172 - Precalculus Trigonometry (4 SHC)
      • MAT 175 - Precalculus (5 SHC)
      • MAT 271 - Calculus I (4 SHC)
      • MAT 272 - Calculus II (4 SHC)
Other Required Courses to earn Associate in General Education Degree (49 - 50 Semester Hours Credit)*

Total Semester Hours Credit: 64-65

Follow the Associate in General Education worksheet as a guideline for planning your classes.

Students who are awaiting admission into the Associate Degree NursingRadiography, or Medical Assisting programs may enroll in the Associate in General Education (AGE) curriculum.

Federal Financial Aid Guidelines for AGE Students

Students receiving financial who are in the AGE program and awaiting admission into the Nursing or Radiography programs should limit taking courses to only those that transfer into the Nursing or Radiography programs to avoid jeopardizing financial aid eligibility.

For additional information, please review the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, particularly the Maximum Timeframe requirements. You may also contact the Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs at 336-633-0200.

Additional Information

Enrolling in the courses listed is NOT an admission requirement for the Associate Degree Nursing program nor a requirement for the Radiography program. It is NOT a requirement to graduate from the AGE program in order to be admitted into any of the degree programs listed.

Affiliating clinical agencies may require a criminal background check and drug screening as a prerequisite for clinical learning experiences. Positive results can result in the clinical agency denying the student access to clinical practice in the facility. Any student who is denied access to any clinical facility will not be allowed to progress in the Associate Degree Nursing program or Radiography program.

Courses required in the ADN program:

  • BIO 168- *Anatomy & Physiology I
  • BIO 169- *Anatomy & Physiology II
  • BIO 175*- General Microbiology
  • ENG 111- Writing and Inquiry
  • ENG 112- Writing/Research in the Disc OR ENG 114 - Professional Research & Reporting
  • PSY 150*- General Psychology
  • PSY 241*- Developmental Psychology
  • --------- - **Humanities/Fine Arts Course
*Students planning to enroll in Associate Degree Nursing must maintain a grade of “B” or better in BIO 168, BIO 169, BIO 175, PSY 150, PSY 241 and HUM elective if the student elects to take these courses prior to enrolling in Nursing courses. If a student earns less than a “B,” the course must be repeated and the student must earn a grade of “B” or better before being admitted to the ADN program.

**The humanities/fine arts requirement may be met by selecting one of the following preferred humanities/fine arts courses:

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Courses required in the Radiography program:

*Students planning to enroll in Radiography must obtain a grade of “B” or better in BIO 163, ENG 111, ENG 114, PHI 240 and PSY 150 in order to progress in the Radiography program. If a student earns less than a “B,” the course must be repeated and the student must earn a grade of “B” or better before being admitted to the Radiography program.

**Students who choose to take BIO 168 and BIO 169 instead of BIO 163 will receive credit for BIO 163 if they earn a “B” or better.

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*Students planning to enroll in Medical Assisting must obtain a grade of “B” or better in BIO 163, CIS 110, and MAT 110 in order to receive credit in the Medical Assisting program. If a student earns less than a “B,” the course must be repeated and the student must earn a grade of “B” or better before being admitted to the Medical Assisting program.

AG degree students will be able to use information literacy and communication skills to:

ILC1. Express ideas clearly and logically through oral presentation 
ILC2. Compose well-written documents using standard written English 
ILC3. Comprehend college-level readings  
ILC4. Locate and evaluate information  

AG degree students will be able to use critical thinking to:

CT1. Demonstrate problem-solving skills
CT2. Draw valid inferences through the analysis of information

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