Within the 60 – 61 hours of coursework required for the degree is a 30-hour universal general education transfer component (UGETC) with courses in English Composition, Humanities/Fine Arts, Social/Behavioral Sciences and Natural Sciences/Mathematics. Because many colleges and universities differ in their admission requirements, you should contact the schools of your choice to learn about specific admissions requirements.
Courses for the A.A. degree program are offered day, evening, online and/or hybrid.
Course Selection
You should consult your academic advisor and your transfer institution for assistance with course selection. There are certain requirements that must be met. These include:
- ACA 122
- ENG 111 and ENG 112
- Nine hours are required within the Humanities/Fine Arts area, and courses must come from two different prefixes.
- Nine hours are required within the Social/Behavioral Sciences area, and courses must come from two different prefixes.
- One course is required within the Mathematics area.
- One course is required within the Natural Sciences area.
- You must meet the prerequisites to take certain courses. Developmental Studies courses are available for those who need them.
Universal General Education Transfer Component Courses (UGETC) (31-32 Semester Hours Credit Required)
- English Composition (6 Semester Hours Credit Required)
- Humanities/Fine Arts (9 Semester Hours Credit Required)
Select 3 courses from at least 2 different prefixes.
- ART 111 - Art Appreciation (3 SHC)
- ART 114 - Art History Survey I (3 SHC)
- ART 115 - Art History Survey II (3 SHC)
- COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication (3 SHC)
- COM 231 - Public Speaking (3 SHC)
- DRA 111 - Theater Appreciation (3 SHC)
- ENG 231 - American Literature I (3 SHC)
- ENG 232 - American Literature II (3 SHC)
- ENG 241 - British Literature I (3 SHC)
- ENG 242 - British Literature II (3 SHC)
- MUS 110 - Music Appreciation (3 SHC)
- PHI 215 - Philosophical Issues (3 SHC)
- PHI 240 - Introduction to Ethics (3 SHC)
- Social/Behavioral Sciences (9 Semester Hours Credit Required)
Select 3 courses from at least 2 different prefixes.
- ECO 251 - Prin of Microeconomics (3 SHC)
- ECO 252 - Prin of Macroeconomics (3 SHC)
- HIS 111 - World Civilizations I (3 SHC)
- HIS 112 - World Civilizations II (3 SHC)
- HIS 131 - American History I (3 SHC)
- HIS 132 - American History II (3 SHC)
- POL 120 - American Government (3 SHC)
- PSY 150 - General Psychology (3 SHC)
- SOC 210 - Introduction to Sociology (3 SHC)
- Natural Sciences (4 Semester Hours Credit Required)
- Mathematics (3-4 Semester Hours Credit Required)
Select 1 course.
General Education (13-14 Semester Hours Credit Required)
Select from any course listed here or above. Courses should be selected based on your intended major and transfer university.
- BIO 112 - General Biology II (4 SHC)
- CHM 152 - General Chemistry II (4 SHC)
- CIS 110 - Introduction to Computers (3 SHC)
- CIS 115 - Intro to Programming & Logic (3 SHC)
- COM 110 - Intro to Communication (3 SHC)
- ENG 114 - Prof Research & Reporting (3 SHC)
- GEO 111 - World Regional Geography (3 SHC)
- HUM 110 - Technology and Society (3 SHC)
- HUM 115 - Critical Thinking (3 SHC)
- HUM 130 - Myth in Human Culture (3 SHC)
- MAT 172 - Precalculus Trigonometry (4 SHC)
- MAT 263 - Brief Calculus (4 SHC)
- MAT 271 - Calculus I (4 SHC)
- MAT 272 - Calculus II (4 SHC)
- PHY 151 - College Physics I (4 SHC)
- PHY 152 - College Physics II (4 SHC)
- PSY 241 - Developmental Psychology (3 SHC)
- PSY 281 - Abnormal Psychology (3 SHC)
- REL 110 - World Religions (3 SHC)
- REL 212 - Intro to New Testament (3 SHC)
- REL 221 - Religion in America (3 SHC)
- SOC 213 - Sociology of the Family
- SOC 225 - Social Diversity (3 SHC)
- SPA 111 - Elementary Spanish I (3 SHC)
- SPA 112 - Elementary Spanish II (3 SHC)
- SPA 211 - Intermediate Spanish I (3 SHC)
- SPA 212 - Intermediate Spanish II (3 SHC)
Other Requirements (15 Semester Hours Credit Required)
- ACA 122* - College Transfer Success *(Required) (1 SHC)
Select 14 semester hours credit from any courses listed above or below. Courses should be selected based on your intended major and transfer university.
- ACC 120 - Prin of Financial Acct (4 SHC)
- ACC 121 - Prin of Managerial Acct (4 SHC)
- BIO 112 - General Biology II (4 SHC)
- BIO 163 - Basic Anat & Physiology (5 SHC)
- BIO 168 - Anatomy and Physiology I (4 SHC)
- BIO 169 - Anatomy and Physiology II (4 SHC)
- BIO 175 - General Microbiology (3 SHC)
- BUS 110 - Introduction to Business (3 SHC)
- BUS 115 - Business Law I (3 SHC)
- BUS 137 - Principles of Management (3 SHC)
- CJC 111 - Intro to Criminal Justice (3 SHC)
- CJC 113 - Juvenile Justice (3 SHC)
- CJC 121 - Law Enforcement Operations (3 SHC)
- CJC 141 - Corrections (3 SHC)
- CJC 212 - Ethics and Comm Relations (3 SHC)
- CTS 115 - Info Sys Business Concept (3 SHC)
- DRA 111 - Theatre Appreciation (3 SHC)
- EDU 131 - Child, Family, and Community (3 SHC)
- EDU 144 - Child Development I (3 SHC)
- EDU 145 - Child Development II (3 SHC)
- EDU 216 - Foundations of Education (3 SHC)
- EDU 221 - Children with Exceptionalities (3 SHC)
- ENG 114 - Prof Research & Reporting (3 SHC)
- HIS 236 - North Carolina History (3 SHC)
- GEO 111 - World Regional Geography (3 SHC)
- HIS 221 - African-American History (3 SHC)
- HIS 236 - North Carolina History (3 SHC)
- HUM 115 - Critical Thinking (3 SHC)
- HUM 130 - Myth in Human Culture (3 SHC)
- PED 110 - Fit and Well for Life (2 SHC)
- PED 111 - Physical Fitness I (1 SHC)
- PED 112 - Physical Fitness II (1 SHC)
- PED 120 - Walking for Fitness (1 SHC)
- PED 121 - Walk, Jog, Run (1 SHC)
- PED 171 - Nature Hiking (1 SHC)
Total Semester Hours Credit: 60-61
Follow the Associate in Arts worksheet as a guideline for planning your classes.