The submission of an application for admission to Randolph Community College represents a voluntary decision on a prospective student's part to participate in the programs offered by the college pursuant to its policies, rules, and regulations. College acceptance of the application represents the extending of the privilege of joining the college community, and of remaining a part of it as long as established standards for academics and conduct are met.
Students who enroll accept college policies and procedures and acknowledge the right of Randolph Community College to take action, up to and including suspension or expulsion, when a student is found responsible for misconduct. Students are responsible for becoming familiar with RCC policies and procedures.
Students have the following rights, and the privilege of exercising those rights without fear or prejudice, as long as they respect state and federal laws, college policies, and the rights of others on campus.
Randolph Community College strives to create an atmosphere where students have the following rights:
Students are free to pursue educational goals through appropriate opportunities for learning in the classroom and on the campus. Student performance will be evaluated on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct matters unrelated to academic standards.
Freedom of Expression
Students can freely study and discuss various ideas in a courteous manner inside and outside of the classroom.
Students have the right to inquire about and to propose improvements to policies, regulations, and procedures affecting their welfare through established student government procedures, campus committees, and college offices.
Safe Environment
Students have the right to expect a safe environment that ensures the continuity of the educational process.
Students have the right to expect that their official college records will be safeguarded. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended) provides safeguards regarding confidentiality of and access to student records. Other than directory information, no records shall be made available to unauthorized personnel or groups inside or outside the college without the written consent of the student involved, except under legal obligation.
Record Review
Students and former students have the right to review their official records and to request a hearing if they wish to challenge the contents of those records.
Student Grievance Procedures (Due Process)
Students have the right to receive reasonable notice to be heard, prior to conduct sanctions being given, and the opportunity to grieve sanctions.
Academic Integrity Appeal
Students have the right to appeal academic integrity policy sanctions.
Freedom from Discrimination
Students can expect to engage in the college community without discrimination as defined by federal and state laws and college regulations.
Students also have responsibilities, as part of the college community, including but not limited to:
Respecting the rights of others and exercising courtesy and politeness in all situations.
Academic Integrity
Respecting the highest standards of academic integrity and reporting any violations of those standards for appropriate investigation and disposition.
Refraining from actions that endanger the health, safety, or welfare of any member of the college community or college visitors.
Adhering to the normal standards, rules, and regulations of the college as well as with federal, state, and local laws.
A. Academic IntegrityB. Consumer InformationC. Financial LiteracyD. Harassment and Discrimination (Title IX)E. Student Conduct, Policies & RegulationsF. Student Conduct & Zero ToleranceG. Student Grievance Policy (Due Process)