

If you like expressing your creativity through hair and nails, consider our Cosmetology program. You'll get hands-on beauty experience in a salon environment operated by RCC and open to the public. Your course work will include instruction in all phases of professional imaging, hair design, chemical processes, skincare, nail care, multi-cultural practices, business/computer principles, product knowledge and other selected topics.

You can obtain an associate degree, diploma, or certificate in cosmetology from RCC. When you complete the program, you should qualify to sit for the State Board of Cosmetic Arts examination.* You'll leave RCC ready to work as a cosmetologist at a major salon or even start your own cosmetology business.

*Students completing the 1500-hour AAS (Associate in Applied Science or Diploma program are eligible to sit for the examination for full licensure as a cosmetologist while students completing the 1200-hour certificate are eligible to sit for the examination for an apprentice license which requires students to work under a licensed cosmetologist for a minimum of 6 months and 1040 hours after graduation before receiving full licensure status.


COS courses for this A.A.S. degree program are offered day only; other courses may be offered evening, online and/or hybrid.

First Year: Fall Semester (17 Semester Hours Credit)

  • ACA 111 - College Student Success OR ACA 122 - College Transfer Success
  • COS 111 - Cosmetology Concepts I
  • COS 112 - Salon I
  • COS 250 - Computerized Salon Ops
  • --- Communication Elective

First Year: Spring Semester (17 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 113 - Cosmetology Concepts II
  • COS 114 - Salon II
  • COS 223 - Contemporary Hair Coloring
  • --- Social/Behavioral Science

First Year: Summer Session (11 or 12 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 115 - Cosmetology Concepts III
  • COS 116 - Salon III
  • --- Natural Sciences/Mathematics

Second Year: Fall Semester (20 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 117 - Cosmetology Concepts IV
  • COS 118 - Salon IV
  • COS 240 - Contemporary Design
  • ENG 111 - Writing and Inquiry
  • MKT 120 - Principles of Marketing
  • --- Humanities/Fine Arts

Total Semester Hours Credit: 65 or 66

Humanities/Fine Arts courses approved for this program.

Communication Elective

  • COM 110 - Introduction to Communication
  • COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication
  • COM 231 - Public Speaking

Natural Science/Mathematics Elective

Students must obtain a grade of “C” or better in all COS courses to be able to progress to the next level. If a student does not earn a “C” or better in a COS course, he/she must repeat the course and earn the minimal “C” before enrolling in the higher level course.

Legal Limitations of Licensure
Students who enroll in the Cosmetology program should be aware that the application for licensure at the completion of the program might be denied or restricted by the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts. Please reference 21 NCAC 141.0401 Application/Licensure/Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Felony at the following website:


COS courses for this A.A.S. degree program are offered day only; other courses may be offered evening, online and/or hybrid.

First Year: Spring Semester (17 Semester Hours Credit)

  • ACA 111 - College Student Success OR ACA 122 - College Transfer Success
  • COS 111 - Cosmetology Concepts I
  • COS 112 - Salon I
  • COS 250 - Computerized Salon Ops
  • --- Communication Elective

First Year: Summer Semester (11 or 12 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 115 - Cosmetology Concepts III
  • COS 116 - Salon III
  • --- Natural Sciences/Mathematics

First Year: Fall Semester (20 Semester Hours Credit)

Second Year: Spring Semester (17 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 117 - Cosmetology Concepts IV
  • COS 118 - Salon IV
  • COS 240 - Contemporary Design
  • --- Humanities/Fine Arts
  • --- Social/Behavioral Science

Total Semester Hours Credit: 65 or 66

Humanities/Fine Arts courses approved for this program.

Communication Elective

  • COM 110 - Introduction to Communication
  • COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication
  • COM 231 - Public Speaking

Natural Science/Mathematics Elective

* Spring admission track highly recommended for students seeking A.A.S. degree

Students must obtain a grade of “C” or better in all COS courses to be able to progress to the next level. If a student does not earn a “C” or better in a COS course, he/she must repeat the course and earn the minimal “C” before enrolling in the higher level course.

Legal Limitations of Licensure
Students who enroll in the Cosmetology program should be aware that the application for licensure at the completion of the program might be denied or restricted by the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts. Please reference 21 NCAC 141.0401 Application/Licensure/Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Felony at the following website:


COS courses for this diploma program are offered day only; other courses may be offered evening, online and/or hybrid.

First Year: Fall Semester (15 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 111 - Cosmetology Concepts I
  • COS 112 - Salon I
  • --- Communication Elective

First Year: Spring Semester (14 Semester Hours Credit)

First Year: Summer Session (8 Semester Hours Credit)

Second Year: Fall Semester (12 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 117 - Cosmetology Concepts IV
  • COS 118 - Salon IV
  • --- Social Behavioral Science

Total Semester Hours Credit: 49

Communication Elective

  • COM 110 - Introduction to Communication
  • COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication
  • COM 231 - Public Speaking

Students must obtain a grade of “C” or better in all COS courses to be able to progress to the next level. If a student does not earn a “C” or better in a COS course, he/she must repeat the course and earn the minimal “C” before enrolling in the higher-level course.

Legal Limitations of Licensure
Students who enroll in the Cosmetology program should be aware that the application for licensure at the completion of the program might be denied or restricted by the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts. Please reference 21 NCAC 141.0401 Application/Licensure/Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Felony at the following website:


COS courses for this diploma program are offered day only; other courses may be offered evening, online and/or hybrid.

First Year: Spring Semester (15 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 111 - Cosmetology Concepts I
  • COS 112 - Salon I
  • --- Communication Elective

First Year: Summer Semester (8 Semester Hours Credit)

First Year: Fall Semester (14 Semester Hours Credit)

Second Year: Spring Semester (12 Semester Hours Credit)

  • COS 117 - Cosmetology Concepts IV
  • COS 118 - Salon IV
  • --- Social/Behavioral Science

Total Semester Hours Credit: 49

Communication Elective

  • COM 110 - Introduction to Communication
  • COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication
  • COM 231 - Public Speaking

 Students must obtain a grade of “C” or better in all COS courses to be able to progress to the next level. If a student does not earn a “C” or better in a COS course, he/she must repeat the course and earn the minimal “C” before enrolling in the higher-level course.

Legal Limitations of Licensure
Students who enroll in the Cosmetology program should be aware that the application for licensure at the completion of the program might be denied or restricted by the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts. Please reference 21 NCAC 141.0401 Application/Licensure/Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Felony at the following website:


COS courses for this certificate program are offered day only; other courses may be offered evening, online and/or hybrid.

First Year: Fall Semester (12 Semester Hours Credit)

First Year: Spring Semester (14 Semester Hours Credit)

First Year: Summer Session (8 Semester Hours Credit)

Total Semester Hours Credit: 34

Students must obtain a grade of “C” or better in all COS courses to be able to progress to the next level. If a student does not earn a “C” or better in a COS course, he/she must repeat the course and earn the minimal “C” before enrolling in the higher-level course.

Students completing the certificate are eligible to sit for the examination for an apprentice license which requires students to work under a licensed cosmetologist for a minimum of 6 months and 1040 hours after graduation before receiving full licensure status.

Legal Limitations of Licensure
Students who enroll in the Cosmetology program should be aware that the application for licensure at the completion of the program might be denied or restricted by the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts. Please reference 21 NCAC 141.0401 Application/Licensure/Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Felony at the following website:


COS courses for this certificate program are offered day only; other courses may be offered evening, online and/or hybrid.

First Year: Spring Semester (12 Semester Hours Credit)

First Year: Summer Semester (8 Semester Hours Credit)

First Year: Fall Semester (14 Semester Hours Credit)

Total Semester Hours Credit: 34

Students must obtain a grade of “C” or better in all COS courses to be able to progress to the next level. If a student does not earn a “C” or better in a COS course, he/she must repeat the course and earn the minimal “C” before enrolling in the higher-level course.

Students completing the certificate are eligible to sit for the examination for an apprentice license which requires students to work under a licensed cosmetologist for a minimum of 6 months and 1040 hours after graduation before receiving full licensure status.

Legal Limitations of Licensure
Students who enroll in the Cosmetology program should be aware that the application for licensure at the completion of the program might be denied or restricted by the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts. Please reference 21 NCAC 141.0401 Application/Licensure/Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Felony at the following website:

In addition to the general admissions requirements for Randolph Community College, Cosmetology students must complete the following requirements:

  • Student must complete a required orientation session.
  • Students must complete ENG 002 Tier 2 or have an acceptable reading placement score before enrolling in COS 111 or COS 112.
  • Submit a government issued photo identification (ID) including date of birth. 
  • Submit a social security card or Tax ID card or student visa information.  
  • Purchase of the Pivot Point: Fundatmentals of Cosmetology Digital Education Package and the required student kit will be made available through the RCC (Randolph Community College) Campus Store. 
  • Purchase appropriate shoes, uniforms, and name badges. 
  • Students enrolled in the program should not be subject to color blindness or have sensitivity to chemicals. 
  • Students should be physically able to use cosmetology equipment, such as scissors and clippers, and should be able to stand for extended periods of time. 

Legal Limitations of Licensure

Students enrolled in the cosmetology program should be aware that the application for licensure at the completion of the program might be denied or restricted by the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts. Please reference 21 NCAC 141.0401 Application/Licensure/Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Felony at the following website:

Readmission into the Cosmetology Program

Readmission to the Cosmetology program is based upon successful completion of the requirements for readmission and space availability. Students dismissed for unsatisfactory performance or behavioral issues are not eligible for readmission. Students dismissed for academic failure are eligible for readmission, pending successful completion of readmission process and final approval of the Cosmetology department head. The number of students approved for readmission will be based upon the availability of resources to support them.

The Cosmetology department head may require a readmitted student to re-take a previously successful course to better ensure success in the program. Students will be readmitted on a probationary status.

A student applying for readmission into the Cosmetology program must:

  • Submit a letter of intent to return to the Cosmetology department head.
  • Participate in a formal interview with the Cosmetology department head and Cosmetology faculty.
  • Receive written approval to continue the readmission process from the department head of the Cosmetology program.

A student approved for readmission must:

  • Pass a written competency and practical test with a score of 80%.
  • Demonstrate safety and receive a satisfactory in selected skills.
  • Receive written approval for readmission from the department head of the Cosmetology program.

The Cosmetology department head, and Cosmetology faculty reserve the right to impose additional requirements and/or recommendations in the form of an academic contract intended to improve the student’s opportunity for successful completion of the program. The individual who fails to complete the readmission procedure is denied readmission.

Transfer Process

Students who began their Cosmetic Arts education at RCC are given priority for admission over applicants who apply for admission with advanced standing via transfer credit.

To give students appropriate credit for prior learning, students must:

  • Submit a letter of intent to enroll in the program.
  • Submit official transcripts to RCC’s records office.
  • Submit an official State Board Transfer form (with NC Board of Cosmetology approved seal) to the Department Head or Compliance Specialist (directly from the previous institution).
  • Submit all grades earned from previous institution, including required evaluations.

Once all documentation has been received, the Cosmetic Arts Program Faculty and/or Department Head will review the documentation and identify the credit to be awarded.

  • Qualified applicants will be required to take an assessment to measure their skill level and knowledge in Cosmetology.
  • Upon successful completion of the assessment AND availability in the class, or practical lab component of the program and faculty resources, qualified applicants will be accepted into the program and eligible for enrollment in classes. In the event two or more applicants are eligible for entry at the same point in the curriculum, and insufficient space is available for all, selection will be based upon date of letter.
  • To meet eligibility to sit for the State Board Exam, all transfer students must show evidence of passing each Cosmetology course with a passing grade of 80% or above.
  • Must have sufficient credits for all live model and mannequin performances or student may be required to take additional course(s).
  • To receive a credential from RCC, all transferring students must complete a minimum of 25% of their curriculum at RCC.

Upon successful completion of the Cosmetology program, the student should be able to:

  • Cut and style hair according to accepted professional standards  
  • Perform manicures and pedicures according to accepted professional standards  
  • Provide skin care services according to accepted professional standards  
  • Restructure hair using chemical services according to accepted professional standards  
  • Market services and finances  
  • Provide a safe and sanitized environment

Students will gain hands-on experience through a salon environment operated by the College and open to the public. The Randolph Community College Cosmetology Center is located at 503 Industrial Park Avenue on the Asheboro Campus. The 10,865-square-foot space accommodates 44 students at a time at styling stations on the floor, plus students in three classrooms. In addition, the Center holds 10 shampoo stations, 12 dryers, facial and waxing rooms, a pedicure/manicure area with massaging pedicure chairs, a lobby/waiting area, instructor offices, and lockers and a break room for students. To effectively train Cosmetology professionals, the performance of certain functions is incorporated throughout the program. Faculty and students are required to demonstrate proficiency of these functions in the Cosmetology program. The essential functions include:

  1. Critical Thinking: critical thinking ability sufficient to gather relevant information, interpret data, recognize problems, and use a process to make informed, independent decisions that show good judgment.  For example, the ability to apply broad class concepts to unique client situations.
  2. Interpersonal Skills: interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with co-workers and clients, function and contribute as part of a team, be accountable for self and others, and maintain appropriate hygiene for a salon environment.  For example, the ability to interact effectively with other members on a team project; establish and maintain a professional relationship with clients.
  3. Communication Skills: speak English, write English, listen and comprehend written and spoken words, and communicate information and ideas so others will understand. For example, explain treatments and interventions, document actions, record client responses to treatment in a professional manner.
  4. Mobility: mobility that is appropriate for an office, salon, or classroom setting is needed. For example, mobile enough move about and to function in a salon, whether sitting or standing for extended periods of time.
  5. Motor Skills: be able to execute movements required to provide general care and treatment to clients in all settings. For example, manipulate supplies and equipment to perform services and treatments.
  6. Hearing: ability to hear sounds at a close range (within a few feet of the observer). For example, being able to hear and respond to a client, an instructor or other students in a classroom/salon setting.
  7. Visual: ability to see with normal or corrected vision, tolerate working indoors in artificial light to provide services. For example, the ability to determine hair texture and color; observe and accurately interpret client needs and assess nonverbal communication.
  8. Tactile: ability to perform physical activities that require use of hands and arms. For example, possessing finger and manual dexterity necessary to manipulate hands and feet when performing services.
  9. Weight-Bearing: none.
  10. Cognitive: cognitive ability to use logic and reason, attention to detail, and short-term and long­ term memory skills. For example, the ability to remember a concept covered in a class in a previous week of a semester.
  11. Visual Color Discrimination: visual color discrimination ability to match or detect differences between colors, including shades of color and brightness. For example, being able to choose appropriate color and treatments for hair.

Randolph Community College is an ADA compliant institution. The College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admissions process or in access to its programs, services and/or activities for qualified individuals who meet essential eligibility requirements. The College will provide reasonable accommodations for documented disabilities of individuals who are eligible to receive or participate in college programs, services and/or activities. Student Services provides a disability counselor to assist students in requesting disability related accommodations. If a student believes that he/she cannot meet one or more of the essential functions without accommodations, the student is encouraged to disclose the disability to the disability counselor as soon as possible. Students must certify the ability to meet essential functions of the curriculum by a signed statement when they begin the program. 

References: Haywood Community College and Vance-Granville Community College Technical Standards directly contributed much of this language. Minor alterations have been made as needed to relate to RCC.

Randolph Community College’s Cosmetology program complies with the rules and regulations of the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts Examiners.

N.C. Board of Cosmetic Arts
121 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 209
Cary, NC 27511

Salon Services & Prices

Photo of woman having her hair cutWant to try out a new hairstyle or treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure? Our Cosmetology program offers services to the public through an on-campus salon that allows students to get real-life, hands-on experience. Services include hair, skin, and nail care. Click on the flyer below to see the details on services and prices! Seniors (55+, some restrictions), emergency personnel, and RCC faculty, staff, and students can receive 50% of with a valid ID.

No appointment is needed, but if you have questions, call us at 336-610-HAIR (4247).

*Prices and times are subject to change without notice.

Download Cosmetology Salon Info

Salon Location:

503 Industrial Park Ave.
Asheboro, NC 27205

Salon Spring Hours:

Jan. 14 - May 1 (Closed March 11-13)

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays • 8 a.m.-12 p.m.

All chemical services must be signed in before 9 a.m.

Contact Us!

Have more questions about the Cosmetology Program? We're here to help.

Dean Brewer
Department Head, Cosmetology

Rebekah Kingston
Director of Student Success